Asmodeus ⊂(・﹏・⊂)

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Theme ~ the brothers were planning a surprise party for Asmo but M/n had a different surprise for him

⚠ Warnings ⚠
Smut :3
Bad writing (probably)
Ignore the "(?)"
Rushed sorry (-_-;)・・・
None of the pictures are mine except the collage


M/n was heading to the kitchen but noticed it was way quieter than usual, 'wtf are these brothers planning this time' he thought. He went looking around for them, he saw them in the common room talking about something.

M/n walks in, "whatcha guys doin," he leaned against the couch as the brothers either got startled or just looked at him. "Hello Teddy. We were planning a surprise party for Asmodeus," Lucifer sighed, "but since you're here, I have a task for you." He gave you a credit card, "use this and go distract Asmodeus for us."

M/n went to Asmo's room and knocked, "Asmodeus! You better clear your schedule tomorrow!" He soon left right after Asmodeus opened up the door with a towel around his waist. Luckily, Asmo heard M/n, he smiled happily and closed the door. He couldn't wait for tomorrow.

Next day

Asmodeus went to the entrance hall and saw M/n standing there waiting for him. His face went red when his eyes met E/c hues, M/n smiled, "come on, Asmodeus. We have an appointment at the barber's." M/n opened the door for him, "my~ what a gentleman~" Asmo purred as he walked out, M/n chuckled and went beside him.
(M/n's outfit is above)

As they were leaving Asmodeus held M/n's hand, they walked to the barber shop hand in hand. M/n let go once they arrived, they each got different hairstyles. Asmodeus had a similar hairstyle to Oh Gyoon but in his style.
(M/n's hairstyle is also above)

M/n paid with the card Lucifer gave him, they then left for the next appointment: The Nail Salon. Asmodeus gasped happily, "let's get matching designs!" M/n shrugged, "sure, why not."

M/n got F/c nails with the same designs as Asmo. Asmodeus got pink and purple colors for his nails. M/n then paid and turned to Asmodeus, "well that's all for the appointments." They walked out, "where to next?" Asmodeus thought for a bit, "let's go shopping!!"

M/n pouted as he was stuck carrying most of Asmodeus bags. They went to the third, Asmodeus had gotten a lot of make-up supplies. When they went to the fourth store Asmodeus got a lot of clothes, M/n was forced to sit down as he went to try on clothes. Basically, Asmodeus made him judge the clothes, let's just say it took awhile.

When Asmodeus said he was finished shopping, M/n almost cried out in happiness. They soon left and went back to the House of Lamentation. Luckily, in the middle of Asmo trying out clothes M/n had gotten a text to head back whenever they're ready. Asmodeus unlocked the door and went inside, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY ASMODEUS!" Asmo was shocked.

M/n soon walked in and immediately Beel helped him with some the bags, "thanks Beel," M/n smiled and gave him a head pat. Asmodeus felt a pang of jealousy, so he tried to get M/n's attention but the others took the male away.

Asmodeus sighed and went to the dining room where everyone was at. During the party M/n managed to slip away and gave Asmodeus a gift, "an early birthday gift, open it if you'd like," M/n whispered in his ear. Curious Asmodeus opened the gift only to find a coupon, confused he grabbed it. "A free massage," his face went red, he turned to M/n only to see him going to his room before saying bye to the others.

Asmodeus immediately excused himself and guessed M/n may be waiting for him by his room. He went straight to his room and he was correct, M/n was leaning against Asmo's door, "took you long enough, sweetheart." Asmo chuckled and unlocked his door, the two went in and made sure the door was locked.

M/n went to Asmo's bathroom and grabbed a bottle of lotion, he came back with the scented lotion in hand. "Alright, Asmodeus, I'm gonna need that shirt to be removed and you laying face down on your bed," Asmodeus blushed, "my~ M/n, if you keep ordering me around I might just lose control and make you mine~" Asmodeus had taken off his shirt and laid face down on his bed.

M/n chuckled, "I wouldn't mind," he placed his hands on Asmo's tensed shoulders and kneaded them. Asmodeus moaned at the fact M/n was touching him, he let out some groans from all the knots in his tense body(?) (I dunno I don't do massages (-_-;)・・・)

"Mmngh~ right there~" Asmo moaned out, M/n noticed Asmodeus grinding against his bed getting at least some pleasure. "My, my~ Asmodeus," he whispered into his ear huskily, "are you turned on~" he licked the outer shell of his ear(?), this caused Asmodeus to shudder.

Asmodeus nodded as he turned around to lay on his back, M/n noticed the tent and smirked, "would you like some help with that?" The demon below him had grabbed the lube from his drawer, "please hurry."

Everything was happening so fast, both males were naked on the bed, M/n had finished stretching Asmo and aligned his member at his entrance. He then remembered Asmodeus told him to hurry so he slammed his length in all at once.

The rest is up to your imaginations :3

~ Extras ~

Everyone couldn't even look at the two, they at least did it all night till dawn. So, pretty much some brothers were in a bad mood or just wanted to murder Asmo for making M/n his.

Hope you liked this! Took me forever
Luckily my friend helped

Next; Lucifer, June 6th

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