Simeon x Male Reader ☺️

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Theme ~ Simeon asks M/n to be his valentine on his birthday.


H/l ~ Height length

⚠️ Warnings ⚠️
Short story
sorry (´-﹏-';)
This was rushed


Everyone was busy decorating the House of Lamentation, Luke and Solomon were out distracting Simeon. The two switched with M/n when the others needed help. Simeon looked at M/n, “be honest with me, are you guys making me a surprise party?” M/n looked at him shocked, how the fuck did you know? He thought, Simeon chuckled, “Luke’s always has the same excitement when we planned the brother’s birthdays.”

“Well since you ruined your surprise, let’s go have fun first,” M/n said, Simeon insisted that the H/l male chose the places. This caused a little war between them on who should pick, they even did rock-paper-scissors, which Simeon had won.

M/n brought Simeon to the Carnival, they went on the rides which made their legs shake. They went to a cotton candy stand and relaxed for a bit, Simeon looked around, “M/n, let’s go on the Ferris wheel!” M/n could see the excitement in his eyes, “sure.”

M/n looked at Simeon only to see him deep in his thoughts, “are you alright, Simeon?” he questioned, which Simeon smiled and nodded. They both got on a cart(?) and looked around the fairgrounds when they got higher or looked at the view. Once they got to the top Simeon cleared his throat to get M/n’s attention.

M/n looked over at him confused, “I was wondering, since valentine’s day is coming, if you’d like to be my valentine M/n,” he scratched the back of his head and smiled nervously with a light pink hue dusted on his cheeks.

M/n smiled, “of course!” he attacked Simeon with a hug in which he returned. “Well then, may I give my valentine a kiss?” he questioned.

"You know, you don't have to ask," Simeon grinned and leaned in, connecting their lips. They pulled away when M/n's phone was vibrating with a lot of notifications, he sighed and looked at the messages from the others. "Looks like they're done," he huffed since he wanted to spend more time with the angel.


Once the party had ended they cleaned up the mess they made, Simeon and M/n on the other hand were in his room. They were cuddling as they watched a movie.


The brothers found out that Simeon already asked M/n to be his valentine and couldn't help but cause a racket. Lucifer groaned, annoyed with his "disappointing" brothers as Lord Diavolo and Barbatos watched with amusement.

Being on writers block sucks ass ʕ´• ᴥ•̥'ʔ
Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this one

See ya on the next birthday boy

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