The Twins (。・ω・。)ノ♡

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Theme ~ Belphegor and Beelzebub had been fighting just to have you to themselves. Unknown to them, M/n liked both males, but the twins decided that they’ll see who M/n chooses over a scary movie. They knew the shorter male got nightmares easily.

⚠ Warnings ⚠
Bad writing
Ish a short story
Bad lemon ~ include threesome



The twins had been glaring at each other the whole day which got you worrying, they were never like this unless they got in a fight. You gasped and was about to confront them until they dragged you to your room, "let's watch a movie, M/n," Belphie said as the twins fought over what movie to watch. Beel glared at Belphie as he had some cooking movie while Belphie had a horror movie in hand.

Belphegor held a smirk, he whispered to Beel, "if M/n chooses to cling on one of us during the movie, then that's the one who'll have him, deal?" Beel held a competitive look as he shook Belphie's hand, "deal. I won't be losing to you." You looked at them, confused, 'what are they planning?' Belphegor put the cd in the dvd player and sat next to you as Beelzebub sat on the other side of you.

"So, what m-movie did you guys pick?" You asked with a nervous smile, they just ignored you, 'rude.' sighing you decided to just watch it, 'what could go wrong?' was your last regretful thought.

In the movie~

"Eek!" You covered your face as the monster appeared in front of the screen, 'wah! Why a scary movie!? That dude looks scary!' Belphie and Beel paid attention to you waiting for you to latch onto one of them, but it never came. Luckily the movie focused on the main characters, but they were doing… some strange activity? You tilted your head to the side, confused. The dude was doing something to the female as she screamed.

"Aahn!~ ooh~ yes!~" the male had grabbed the back of her hair and pulled it back to give her a sloppy kiss. You tugged at Belphie's shirt, he hummed in response, "what is he doing to her? She looks in pain but.. then she's not?" Belphie's and Beel's eyes widened, Belphie cleared his throat, "u-uhm.. we'll…" he looked at Beel, "it's some sort of… game people play," Beel nodded and continued eating his hamburger.

"Ooh, could we play that game?" You asked innocently, this caused Beel to choke on his hamburger as Belphie panicked. Belphie came up with an excuse, "sorry, but it can only have two players." You pouted and looked at Beel, "is that true?" Beel sweat dropped as he cleared his throat, "w-well.." he saw Belphie shaking his head no but then he saw your adorable pouting face, "it can include multiple people."

Belphegor facepalm as you on the other hand got excited, the three of you forgetting the movie that was now playing in the background, long forgotten. They just stuck to sharing you.

After the foreplay
~ sorry, author lazy ~

Belphie had already plunged himself inside you with you back against his chest, Beel waited before entering after Belphie. "A-aah!!~" tears had built up in your eyes as some fell. Beelzebub wiped your tears and placed kisses all over your face. Belphie had rubbed soothing circles on your hips.

Little by little you soon got used to the feeling, "y-you could move now.” The twins nodded, they both pulled out and penetrated the male. They soon pounded into the male in sync, you gasp as your head flew back. You were feeling immeasurable pleasure, you felt them brushing against something which made your body become sensitive.

"Beel!!~ Belphie!!~" you clawed on Beel's shoulders, your moans increasing. Belphie gave you a sloppy kiss, "mmh~" he stayed still as Beel continued. The sounds that could be heard from the room to the kitchen were M/n's moans. In the room all you could hear was the twins groans and grunts, squelching noises, and maybe muffled kisses.

Beel's thrusts were rough and quick, he was chasing his climax. This made both Belphie and M/n close, the two made sure to leave their marking on you. They wanted to make sure the others knew who you belonged to.


Oh, how embarrassing it was to face the others. Heck! Beel and Belphie just got up and left, leaving you to deal with the brothers' stares and questions. Luckily, Lucifer had saved you and hushed the brothers before he hung them upside down.

You were plotting the twins murders as you ate your breakfast, your head hunged low with a smirk on it. The others gulped as they texted the two, 'goodluck!'


Hewwo! I hoped you guys like this!
Sorry I kinda just rushed the lemon (´-﹏-';)

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