Diavolo x Male Reader 🥵🥵

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Happy late birthday Diavolo

Sorry for late posting
Don't be mad pwease 🥺

Btw if H/c is by ish self that means brunette and etc. (Kinda forgot the other ones (´-﹏-';) )

⚠️ Warning ⚠️
I got this from the UR+ card of Diavolo
Sorry if it sucks ಥ‿ಥ


M/n and Diavolo had come back from the human world, once they went inside everyone shouted 'Happy Birthday!!' Diavolo looked at the others in surprise and then smiled, "thanks guys!"


Everyone was passed out or drunk asf, except Diavolo and M/n. "Dia, let's go to my room. We'll just leave them there." He nodded as the two headed to M/n's room.

"Hehe, I have to admit. I'm a little nervous being alone with you in your room," he put his arm around M/n, "but I don't have to worry about the others dragging you away," he said with a smile.

"M/n, can you close your eyes? I got you something," nodding your head and closing your eyes. Diavolo leaned in and kissed you. "I've been thinking about doing that all day," he blushed and looked at you. 

"No matter how many times I tell you I love you, it's not enough. There's a limit to what words can express," he blushed and looked away from you, "But when I touch you, you can tell, can't you? You can feel just how much I love you."

He looked you in the eyes, "so let me spend the rest of the night showing you. Because I need you to know, and I have so, so much to give.." blushing a dark red you nodded, "do as you please Diavolo~"

Diavolo kissed the H/c, he had slowly pushed you down on the bed without breaking the kiss. Pulling away to breath, M/n unbuttoned Diavolo's red uniform and quickly discarded the piece of clothing, throwing it to a random spot in the room. Diavolo placed kisses and hickeys along M/n's neck, as he looked for a peculiar spot.

"Mn.." Diavolo knew he found it when M/n made that noise, he sucked and bit at the flesh. "Diavolo..~" M/n tried to muffle his voice so he wouldn't wake the others.

Which Diavolo didn't appreciate, he discarded any clothing M/n had in a blink of an eye, he soon placed three fingers up to the other's mouth, "suck," he commanded. M/n complied and sucked the three digits as drool slid down his chin. He made sure to wet in between his fingers.

Once he thought they were wet enough he pulled his fingers out, he licked the drool from your chin with a smirk on his face, blushing you whined, "h-hurry up Dia..~"

"Impatient now, aren't we?" He got a huff from the other male in return, he soon placed his three digits at the males entrance. Slowly he pushed one finger in, "mngh." M/n bit his lip.

"My, my, M/n~ your hole is clenching onto my finger as if it desperately needs something inside.~" he teased the male with an amused smirk. M/n mumbled, "sh-shut u- ah..!" He immediately covered his mouth as Diavolo forced another finger inside.

"What was that love? I didn't quite hear you," he smiled innocently as if he didn't do anything. (I could picture Sebastian smiling)

Finally adding the third finger he thrusted his fingers at a fast pace, M/n's eyes widen as a gasp escaped his mouth, "f..fuck..!" M/n grabbed hold of Diavolo's tie and pulled it bringing Diavolo closer, he kissed the prince sloppily as Diavolo quickened the pace.

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