Chapter 2: Taehyung

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Hoseok POV

I called a taxi once I was outside and told him I was going to Jin's Cafe.

"Will you able to drive a little faster?" Because of how slowly he drives, I'm losing patience. He drives at a moderate speed to ensure our safety.

I hurriedly unlocked the taxi's doors once I arrived at work, but not before paying the driver and rushing inside to meet Jin and his boyfriend, Namjoon.

Jin looked up from his boyfriend to see me standing at the door, going towards them.

He crosses his arms and adds, "Finally you showed up."

"Sorry, Hyung," I said as I rubbed my nape in embarrassed.

"Whatever the issue may be, get to work."

"Oh right," I said as I hurried to the back of the store to get my work attire.

It is my job to take and serve the orders of the customers. I was waiting when the doorbell rang, signaling that someone was arriving. When I looked up, I saw Taehyung and ran over to him.

"Taehyung!" I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him hard.

"He might die if you keep hugging him like that." I turned around to see Jin and Namjoon approaching us from behind.

"Oh shoot, sorry," I said as I let him go.

"It's fine, hyung do you really miss me?"

"O-of course, y-you're my bestfriend," he teased, making me blush. aish this kid

"sure hyung," taehyung said, and I cursed myself for shuttering.

"how was your trip?" jin hyung ask taehyung

Taehyung POV

Jin and Namjoon Hyung approach me and hug me.

With a sigh, I answered. "I wish I could go back since I truly like how they treat guests."

I initially mistook the individuals there for arrogant jerks who didn't know how to handle visitors, but I guess I was mistaken. We should never pass judgment on others.

To get my work attire, I went to the back of the cafe.

It was eventually lunch break after a long discussion regarding my trip and other occurrences that had occurred to us. Because Jin Hyung is often with his boyfriend, I generally go with Hoseok Hyung.

"Where do you want to eat lunch, Hosoek hyung?" I ask of him.

"I'm not sure, what about you? Do you know of any other locations in the area of this café besides that restaurant? I'm sick of their cuisine, especially when Cally isn't in charge of the kitchen "He went on to explain.

We usually dine at the store next to the café, but Cally is no longer the chef because he was dismissed for an unclear reason.

"Okay, I heard there's a new restaurant about ten to fifteen minutes away. What do you think?"

"Then, let's go"

We exited the café and asked for a taxi to take us to the restaurant I mentioned.

second chapterrrr! hope you're doing well👍 don't forget to vote!

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