Chapter 20: We?

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No ones POV

Hoseok is now at the work. He told everything what happened between him and yoongi to jin and taehyung.

"HE KISSED YOU?" Jin said unbelievable

"Doesn't he have a boyfriend?" taehyung asked


"Did you kissed back?" taehyung asked

"Oh my god don't tell me-" jin was cut off by hoseok

"Yes I did, that's my chance to kiss him" hoseok said blushing.

"I bet you like it" taehyung said, making hoseok more red.

"you are blushing hoseok"



Hoseok POV

I am nervous to come back home, I don't know how to talk yoongi hyung. What if he tell me he doesn't like me? then why did he kissed me right? he wouldn't kissed if he doesn't like me right?

I twisted the knob and entered. I saw yoongi watching tv.

"Hoseok sit" he patted the couch beside him.


"just sit we need to talk"

"about what?"

"about us"

I slowly sit beside him not making an eye contact.

"we broke up"

"with jimin?"


"but why?"


In the restaurant where yoongi and jimin work.

Yoongi POV

It's already 10 am and jimin wasn't still here. I was about to text him when I see him entered the restaurant. I quickly rush to him.

"You're so late jimin-ah"

"Sorry hyung, I woke up late"

His neck caught my attention, I saw some purple blue bruised.

"What is that?" I asked pointing on his neck

"sorry hyung, I cheated"


"let's break up, I cheated on you"

End of flashback

Hoseok POV

I don't know how should I feel. Happy? because I have chance to yoongi. Sad? because yoongi was sad. Wait he doesn't look like sad. Does he not upset about it? He is not crying either.

"Why are you not upset hyung, he cheated?" I asked

"I guess he is not my destiny" he chuckled

"what do you want to talk about us?"

"I like you hoseok"


"hyung are you drunk?" I asked, but he doesn't smell alcohol.

"of course I'm not"

"then why do you said you like me?"

"because I like you stupid"

"did... y-you mean t-that?" I tried to not cry in front of yoongi, but I felt tears escape in my eyes.

"yes hobi"

This time I let myself cry.


"shhhhh hoseok"

"h-hyung y-you... d-dont k-know how long... I waited for y-you to say that"

"h-how long?"

"I like you almost a year now"

"WHAT?! you like me almost a year and you didn't bother to tell me" he asked eyes widened.

"I'm so scared that you will reject me"

"It's okay hobi, stop crying" I chuckled

"I love you hobi"

"I love you too hyung" I blushed

"awww, are you blushing?" he teased

aish this shit I thought


"you're so beautiful" he said, giving me a peck on my lips. I touched my lips and look to him.

I'm surprised jimin can walk ;)

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