Chapter 3: First Day

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Yoongi POV

I'm currently standing in front of my workplace's front door. I looked at my phone to check what time it was. The time was 8:53 a.m

"You got this, yoongi," I sigh.

I enter by pushing open the door. I took a glance around and greeted the first waiter I came across.

"Umm this is m-my first day w-working as waiter here h-how do know start?" I asked nervously

I can't stop my self for observing his features, He's quite tan skin and his eyes are almond-shaped with monolids that suits him really well. Has a cute button nose that has a little bump near the top which I finds it cute.

He laughed a little and I stared him embarrassed myself for shuttering.

"sorry for laughing, first calm your tits you don't need to be nervous" he said giving me a smile "park jimin" he adds as he take out his hand in front of me signalling for hand shake.

I showed him my gummy smile and say "min yoongi, nice to meet you jimin" "nice to meet you too"

"so for your first day, let me guide you...hyung?" he asked "I'm 23" "Right you're my hyung" he chuckled

his laugh makes me grin. He provides me positive energy in the same way as Hoseok does when he smiles at me. I'd like to be his friend.

"hyung you're staring at me" he said shyly looking down

I realized it and whispered a small'sorry' as my cheeks began to flush.

After 20 minutes

I've started working now, and I'm grateful to Jimin for assisting and guiding me through the job. I was first confused, but he was quite helpful, and now I'm serving food to customers.

"Here's your order" I say as I put down their foods

"Your doing great hyung" Jimin said and patted my shoulder

I smiled at him and reply with a thanks

It was finally lunch time. I saw jimin walking towards me and ask "do you want to have lunch with me hyung?"

"sure, you're the only one friend I have here" i replied with a laugh

We returned to our work immediately after eating, and I checked the clock on the side of the wall, which reads 12:25 p.m. We only ate for a few minutes, I thought.

Since it is lunchtime, more people are coming in to eat, which keeps me busy. As I was waiting for another customer, the door opened, and I recognized a familiar figure.

"Hoseok? who's that guy is he with?"

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