Chapter 17: Are you blushing?

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"what happened?" Hoseok asked himself, wondering around noticed that he is in his room with his clothes that he still wearing yesterday.

"huhh? how come I'm here?"

Yoongi entered hoseok room to give him water and medicine for his headache, for god knows how many alcohol did he drank.

Hoseok look at him confused when he see what yoongi's holding.

"I am sure you have headache" yoongi said handing him the medicine and water.

That's the time he realized he has an headache.

fuck how can I not realized that soon hoseok thought

He swallowed the medicine and drink it with water.

"Feeling better?" yoongi asked, the younger nodded.

After a few seconds of silence, hoseok decided to ask what happened.

"hyung, what h-happened?"

"oh yeah about that you called me in the middle of midnight 2am, two fucking am and I need to search the whole bar to find you, you're so fucking drunk, god how much did you drink yesterday?" the older asked unbelievable.

Well he is not lying but he only tell the half truth.

And when it hit hoseok he remembered everything, he talk to jin about what happened lately with yoongi and went home to apologize but only to see yoongi with jimin, and go to bar for wanting to forget. Hoseok is not crying because he can't cry after how much he cried yesterday.

"ughhh, my head hurts" hoseok said throwing himself back to his bed while holding his forehead, shutting his eyes.

Yoongi frowns when he saw hickeys that jungkook leaves on the younger's neck. Staring at the younger, puffy eyes due to crying yesterday.

"w-what?" hoseok said blushing heavily.

"are you blushing hobi?" yoongi said with a smirk.

"huh? b-blushing.. n-n-noo why w-would I?" cursing himself for shuttering.

"I'm going t-to umm.. bath yeah a bath" hoseok said trying to avoid the older.

"oh ok, are you sure you're not blushing, your face is literally red"

"NO, now get out" hoseok said pushing the older outside.

Hobi your face are literally red.

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