Chapter 19: Answers for your questions

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No ones POV

Hoseok and Yoongi are in the living room now.

"Why are you ignoring me?" the older quickly asked

shit hoseok thought

"Ahh... I-im b-busy yeah"

"I'm not stupid, I know you are not busy"

"Yes I am"

"Two weeks! Two fucking weeks.... Did I do anything wrong?"

"No no"

"Then why?"

"you know what, I have work today so maybe can we talk later" Hoseok stood up but yoongi grab his wrist.

"Hoseok do you like me?" The older asked, eyes full of hope.

"L-like... y-you? I uhhh... n-no" hoseok said whispered the last part.

"Please don't lie"

"I a-am.. n-not lying"

"you confessed to me yesterday when you were drunk, please hoseok tell me the true" yoongi was so desperate to hoseok to say yes.

"I confessed?" the younger asked worried


"can you tell me.... what I said... yesterday?"

"you told me you like me that I make you happy and you are jealous about what jimin and I relationship"

"I-im... s-sorry hyung, I shouldn't said that.... just f-forget what I s-said"

"do you like me hoseok?" the older asked again

"that's not important, you already have a boyfriend"

"answer me!"

"yes! I like you, happy now?!"

"hobi" now hoseok started crying

They stared at each other eyes for a minute. Before yoongi leaned in and attack the younger lips. Hoseok was caught off guard but he kissed back. Which surprised yoongi.

This feeling was never expected by hoseok but he's not complaining, he wants this to not end, they both know this is wrong but they felt if right.

Yoongi finally break the kiss heavily breathe.

"stop crying hobi"

"hyung, w-what did you do?"

"what? Did you not like the kiss?"

"you have a boyfriend!"

Hobi:(( End is near!

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