Chapter 14: You're so oblivious

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Yoongi POV

Now I'm confused as fuck What the fuck hoseok was talking about? Feelings? For me? Did I heard him right?

"f-feelings for me?" I asked confused

"yes, I have feelings for you yoongi okay"

"I...uh I t-thought you like taehyung?"

he chuckled "I wish I like taehyung instead of you"

"h-hobi" I called him, noticing tears escaping his eyes

"you always makes me smile without trying, seeing you made me happy, seeing your adorable smile, talking to me, giving me hug, calling me hobi that makes my whole day happy because of you. I don't want to confess my feelings for you, I'm scared that you will reject me and I'm scared if I confess you will .....disgust me that someone like me, an ugly, useless like me had hope that you do have same feelings for me. To the first time I went to the restaurant you worked at I see you laughing with jimin and it made me jealous.... why are you not laughing with me like you were with him? Am i that annoying to you? when you invited over jimin and I heard him ask you if you like me you laugh and said no.. that's my sign that I need to get rid of these stupid feeling I have for you but I can't I just can't..... And do you know what is the most painful knowing that you and jimin are together. I can't blame you jimin is much more than me. but how can you not notice about my feeling huh? do you know how much I hurt when I see you two making out in the couch? yoongi how can you so fucking clueless? why can't I get rid of these feelings? I just love you so fucking much. I know that you have a boyfriend, how can he make you fall inlove within a short time? Jin and taehyung they know about my feelings but they keep saying that I don't have a chance to you, other of me wants to believe and other part of me has a hope that someday I can call you mine and you can call me yours. A dream that I know will never come true" hoseok is now a crying mess

I was shocked, I froze at my place not knowing what should I say. And I didn't realize I was crying too. But one thing is in my mind I want to make him as mine.

I am working on some book now but Idk when will I publish that, its also yoonseok ff. BTW I want to confess to my crush right now jk, Yoongi already knew.

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