Chapter 4: Restaurant

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Yoongi POV

I walked towards them.

"Hey" I say with smile as he noticed me and eyes widened

"hyung! why are you here? is this your workplace?" he asked happily and give me a hug.

"get off me" I said, trying to let go of his grip and successfully made it, and I see his lips forming a pout which annoyed me.

"Is it possible for you to stop pouting? Do you think that will make you cuter?" I gasped when I realized what I was saying, knowing how sensitive hoseok is. I catch a glimpse of his face before he looks down, and a sigh escapes my lips.

"hoseok-ah" he slowly look up stared at me "I didn't mean that" I continue with apologetic smile, he smile "it's okay, I know you didn't"

"yeah" I replied "why do you here?"

"why would I do to a restaurant? of course to eat" he makes a 'duh' face

"oh what silly me, of course to eat, by the way how-"

I was stopped off when someone cleared their throat, and I turned around to see a man standing near hoseok with an angry expression.

I rolled my eyes when he questioned hoseok, "Are we going to eat or what?"

"later, meet my hyung first he is also my housemate" hoseok remarked, glancing at me.

"fine, taehyung" he said uninterested which made me give him a cold look

Taehyung follows us and sits in front of hosoek while I ignore him and glance at hoseok. After they made their order, I served them and other customers.

Hosoek POV

"mmmh" I moaned and didn't realized that I caught taehyung's attention he stared at me wide wide eyes. As I realized what I just did I made a awkward laugh.

"what? it's the chef fault for making a delicious food" I defend myself

"just don't do that again" "why? are my moan making you hard" I teased he quickly cover his face.

"stop hyung, and of course who wouldn't get hard when someone moaning in front of them" he replied making both of us laugh

After we finished eating, we paid for our meals and before we left the restaurant I remembered what happened earlier so I talked to taehyung

"taehyung apologize to yoongi before we go, you acting like bitch earlier" I demand and I receive a small okay

Yoongi POV

After a few minutes of watching hoseok, a man stepped up, Hoseok called me just as I was about to turn around.

"hyung" he walked towards me with taehyung.

"I'm Taehyung, sorry for the attitude I give to you a while ago, I'm just starving and lose my patience when you talking in front of me and completely ignore my presence" he explained and give me a boxy smile.

This boy is not terrible than I thought

I smiled "Yoongi and apology accepted and sorry too for ignoring you"

"It's okay, friends?"


I noticed the smile that hoseok gives him, I can't help but feel jealous. I think because I want his only friend oh god how selfish I am. I ignored my jealous maybe their only friends? but why would I care? its not that I am his boyfriend and I see him only my bestfriend and nothing more.

As they left the restaurant, they said their goodbyes to me.

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