Chapter 13: Forget?

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Jungkook POV

I easily leading the kiss and he gives me full control.  Exploring his mouth and tasting every inch of his mouth. I grabbed both of his hand wrapping them around my neck and wrapped again my hands to his waist. Our kiss deepend and I break the kiss. He's too panting due to lack of air so did I.

"baby, you don't have idea how hot you are right now" I whispered to his ear and biting it softly.

I start sucking his neck leaving substantial mark that I'm sure would leave bruise.

"Jungkook~" I heard him moan my name

"that's right baby, moan my name"

"mmmhhh moooreee"

"such a slut"

After sucking his neck, I pulled away and watching his neck, I smirk when I see a hickey that I'm sure it will take three days to disappear.

I want more so I leaned in again but only to receive a punch.

I saw a man with mint hair, holding hoseok.

"what the fuck?" I said angrily

Yoongi POV

As soon as I received the call from hoseok, I rushed out of the house and drove to the bar that hoseok told me where he is. I park my car and entered the bar. I saw a lot drunk people some are making out. I looked around to find hoseok, I went to the counter and ask some barista if they saw hoseok, one of them answered "I think that's him" pointing on the two people.

I slowly walked towards them to confirm it if it's hoseok, my eyes widened when I see him and other man sucking his neck, what the fuck. My blood boils and grabbed the stranger shoulder and punch him as I can.

"What the fuck?" he said

"stay out of him, you fucker" I was so angry for touching someone that's not him.

"let's go hoseok" I grabbed hoseok wrist but the stranger grabbed his left wrist.

"Don't you see, we're having a little fun here?"

"Get your horny hands off of him" I warned, he chuckled

"who the fuck are you to tell me what to do" he said grabbing hoseok by his waist, "now if you'll excuse us, we were in the middle of something.

That's it, I grabbed his shirt and punch him making him fall. I quickly held hoseok hand and headed out of the bar. Ignoring all the stares that we receive from the barista and some drunk people.

I sat him in passenger's sit.

" what the fuck do you think you're doing hoseok?" I asked angrily seeing him making out with someone, making me angry and somewhat I felt pang in my chest.

"didn't I told that don't trust any stranger, and wait for me?"

No ones POV

Hoseok didn't answer, he just muttering some words that yoongi couldn't catch. So he start to drive back to their house. As they arrived, he open the door of the car and pulled hoseok out. He carried him in bridal style.

Hoseok is not sleeping, he's just cannot stand on his own. Yoongi made him sat in his bed and ready to question the younger.

"now tell me why do you go in that club?"

the younger look at him, tears rolling in his cheeks "to... fo-forget"

"forget from WHAT? do you think having sex to some stranger will make you forget!?" hoseok flinch at the tone of yoongi used, he always try his best to calm as possible but this time he can't control his anger.

"n-no... I uhh I didn't plan... having sex to some s-stranger... h-he approach me a-and p-pinned me on the wall" hoseok said while trying to stop himself from crying.

"stop crying" yoongi said calmly

"so now tell me, why you're ignoring this past few weeks, did I do anything wrong?" the older asked

"I just tried to get rid of these stupid feeling I have for you"

Oh oww.. Votee!!

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