Chapter 18: Awkward

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No ones POV

Now, Hoseok is eating breakfast with yoongi, no not eating staring at his food. After yoongi leave in Hoseok's room he immediately made breakfast for both of them. And after Hoseok taking a quick bath he went straight in the kitchen when he see yoongi had prepared breakfast.

The silence was killing hoseok, he doesn't used of silence around. He want to ask yoongi a question he remembered when he is in the bathroom.


What the fucking hell is this!! hoseok whispered shouting as his eyes widened. He saw some hickeys in his neck.

Who the fucking bastard did this?!! He tried to remember everything that happened to him in the bar but he is too drunk yesterday to remeber even how he called yoongi.

Did yoongi see this? Oh my god what if he saw this? Wait did yoongi made this? Shut the fuck up, yoongi can never did this. Shit I'm just gonna ask him later. But seriously how come I do not remember anything, but what if yoongi is the one made this? I blushed at the thought.

End of Flashback

"are you going to eat or do you not like the food?" the older asked

"no, no of course I like"

"then what are you staring at?"

"i-its j-just.... before I take a bath... I.. uhh s-saw some.. hickeys in my neck" the younger said whispered the last part not making an eye contact to yoongi. Hoseok was so sure that his face was so red now.

"You don't remember what happened?" the younger quickly look to yoongi and eyes widened

"Oh my fucking god!! Did we.... you know?"

"NOOOO!!" the older shouted

"then why the fuck did I have this hickeys? did I hooked up on some stranger? did someone raped me?!!"

"shut up!"


"When you called me to pick you up, I saw you and some stranger sucking your neck"


"So I did the first thing that comes to my mind"


"I punched him" the younger gasp

"really?" hoseok asked unbelievable

"yes, now finished your I have something to ask you"


Yes yoongi raped you hoseok joke.

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