Chapter 12: The bar

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No ones POV

Hoseok go straight inside the bar, he saw many people are drunk, some are dancing, drinking, and he also saw some are making out. He hesitate a bit but he want to forget everythime for sometime.

He sat and ordered a drink. Holding the glass, he swallowed every bit of alcohol. The feel of alcohol burning down his throat. Alcohol, alcohol, alcohol and alcohol. Hoseok is so drunk now, he started talking to the bar barista.

"you, what's"

"you're so drunk mister"

"oh god, call me hoseok! "

"so what happened?"

" what happened?"

"yeah, I mean you are so drunk I am sure you have a problem"

"yeah, stupid love" the barista shaking his head in understanding

"I love him so *hiccup* much, and it's hurt to see him dating someone, guess what?" he asked and drink another glass of alcohol


"earlier I saw them making out on the couch"
hoseok chuckled

"sorry to hear that"

"don't be"

"you're so drunk, I think you should go home, it's already too late" the barista suggest

"thanks, I think I should be" hoseok said as he stood up from his chair

Hoseok get his phone from his pocket and went to contacts.

Who am I going to called he thought, Yonnieeeee. So he did, he called yoongi. He answered it in second called.

On the phone:

"Hyunggggg" drunk hoseok said

"hoseok are you drunk?" worried yoongi asked


"shit, where are you?"

"ummm... I uhh... I d-dont know"

"ask someone"


hoseok asked the barista he talking to earlier and he immediately said the bar name

"ok hobi wait for me there, I will get you and bring you home, don't trust any stranger"

hoseok is too drunk to understand what yoongi said so he replied with "ok hyunggg"

After yoongi hung up hoseok saw someone that approaching to him.

??? POV

I've been staring him since he ordered his first drink. I can't stopped staring at him, his cute ass, thick thighs and his sharp jawline. I continued stared at him while he's getting drunk.

I can't help but to think the image of him screaming and moaning under me. How I will spank countless times his cute fat ass until it will turn red. How he will moan my name and begging to fuck him more until he can't walk. How will I suck his neck until it covered with hickeys. I want this to be real, so I stood up and approach him.

"What's your name cutie? "

No ones POV

"What's your name cutie?" the stranger asked making hoseok look up and meet his eyes. His eyes widened, the stranger was taller than him. Has quite thin lips but his top one is thinner than his bottom one. He has tan skin and a very sharp jawline. His outfit was sexy and revealed just a glimpse of his chest. Hot hoseok thought.

"h-hoseok" he shuttered

"what a pretty name for pretty a boy" the stranger said "what are you doing here, hoseok?"

"just trying to forget" this time the stranger grabbed hoseok wrist and pinned him to the nearest wall.

"I can make you forget~" the stranger whisper in hoseok ears in seductive tone.

"how?" confused hoseok asked

The stranger leaned in not kissing but brushing their noses together in a teasing fashion. Hoseok seems understand what the stranger meant. He smile, Because of the alcohol making hoseok horny. He stared at the other full of lust in his eyes.

"you didn't tell me your name"


"nice to meet you, jungkook"

"nice to meet you too baby"

"let's have fun, shall we"

"do-don't know"

"of course you do"

Jungkook grabbed him by his waist and smashed their lips together. Their is no battle, hoseok letting jungkook leading the kiss. He open his mouth,  giving jungkook full control.

What the actual fuck did I do in this book? By the way dont forget to vote!

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