Chapter 8: Hang out

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It's been a week, and both Yoongi and Hoseok are working. A normal day for both of them. Jimin accepted Yoongi's invitation to his house today.

It was finally their shift ends.

"jimin come on, get in the car"

"wait hyung"

once jimin is in the car he asked "hyung where is your place by the way?"

"its only 10 minutes away from here"

They sat there, laughing and teasing each other as they talked about various subjects.

Yoongi POV

Whenever I hear jimin's laugh I can't help but smile. I’m glad I’m the reason he’s happy.

"Jimin can I ask a question?"

"you're already asking me a question hyung" he joke, making me smile "just kidding, what is it?" he adds

"in any chance do y-you have a boyfriend?" I ask him

"oh no I don't have" And The fact that Jimin is single makes me so happy that I want to be his boyfriend despite the fact that we only met a week ago. but what if he doesn't like me, what if he only see me as a friend? my thoughts was interrupted by jimin

"why do you ask hyung?"

"nothing just curious"

We finally made it to my house, or rather, hoseok and I's house. Normally, hoseok would still be at work, but today he's sitting in front of the television. When he realized I was there, he smiled and say "oh hyung your home, how's yo-"

He was cut off but jimin entered the house and he frowned and stopped whatever he was going to say. The awkward silence continued until jimin broke it.

"hyung who is he?"

"he's hoseok my friend, we live here in the same house" I answered while looking at him

I focus my eyes on hoseok who seem disappointed but I ignored it "hoseok this is jimin my co-worker"

he look up to me then to jimin "nice to meet you" and give him smile which I noticed was fake, jimin replied with a small 'me too'

"hoseok it is okay to you if we hang out here?" I asked shyly because I never invited other people to our house jimin was the first ever friend that I had except for hoseok

"you don't have to ask hyung, of course you can"

We was about to enter my room when hoseok shout "hyung do you want me to cook you dinner?" "you don't need to, we will just order, thanks for asking" "ok"

We spent hours getting to know each other while waiting for the pizza that we order.

Hoseok POV

Once I heard that yoongi's door closed I walk back to the couch staring into space and my mind running a thousand miles per second. Did they have a relationship? Why are they close? I'm so jealous. I don't want to confess to him because I don't want to pushed him away and fear of rejection. I heard someone was knocking on the door and it confused me, who would visit this night? then I realized what yoongi hyung said maybe it is the food that their order. I shook my head and headed to the door to see a pizza guy holding a pizza box.

"Is this *********" he asked to confirm the address and I replied with a yes and give me the box of pizza

It wasn't long before I reached Yoongi Hyung's room to tell him about the delivery. Curiosity overtook me as I heard them talking and leaned my ear towards the door to hear what they were saying. Immediately regretted it.

No ones POV

"hyung can I ask you?" jimin said and yoongi gave him a nod

"do you like hoseok?" this time yoongi stared at him then began to laugh "stupid question, of course not, he just my friend"

No ones aware that hoseok heard that, tears rolling in his cheeks, he wiped his eyes and knocked. He heard footsteps louder knowing that someone was approaching. The door opens revealing yoongi, hoseok stared at him and shook his head and say "t-the...t-the pizza is here" "are you okay hoseok?" the older asked with worried eyes, the younger look at him and smile "yes I'm okay just tired, yeah tired" "ok if you say so"

Yoongi POV

I got up when I heard a knock and saw hoseok in front of me. Did he cry? but why?. But when I ask he said that he was just tired so I let it go and get my wallet to paid for our pizza.

Do you think yoongi is telling his true feelings? What are your thoughts? Don't forget to vote!

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