Chapter 6: Jealous?

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Yoongi POV

After six o'clock in the evening, my shift is over.

"Goodbye, jimin-ah. my shift is over, so I'll be on my way."

As he waved goodbye to me and gave me his beautiful smile, he said, "goodbye to you as well Hyung."

I got into my car and started driving to my house, which As soon as I arrive at my house, I park my car and head straight to my bedroom, I was sure that hoseok would still be on his work.

The feeling of sleepiness overtakes me, and I try to stay awake because I need to change clothes and take a shower because my body is sticky from sweating and I need to change clothes. I'm on the verge of falling asleep when someone knocks on my door,  if it's hoseok there's no need for him to knock because he also has a key to this house,. Taehyung was holding hoseok in bridal style when I opened the door.

"What happened?" I ask worriedly, but he just stares at me. He then asks where hoseok's room is, which I tell him and follow him as he lays hoseok's body in his bed, I was going to ask Taehyung when he said

"don't ask" he glares at me

My attention was drawn to him as he removed Hoseok's shoes from his feet and set them aside. He was about to remove Hoseok's shirt

When I asked "what are you doing?" holding him in his wrist.

"what do you think, I'm doing?"
"you dont need to" I said annoyed, he doesn't have the rights to take off hoseok's clothes.

"why not, its not like his your boyfriend" smirk forming in his lips

"thats not the point"

"then what?" he snapped enough to wake hoseok up. He rubbed his eyes and look up to taehyung.

"tae~" he said softly
As I watch taehyung hugging him and stroking his back, I feel betrayed. however, why? My blood boils when I see Hoseok hugging another man. To forget about what happened, I walk back to my room to do the things I need to do before I go to sleep.

Is yoongi jealous? Does he like hosoek or his heart was playing with him?
What are your thoughts? Don't forget to vote!

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