Chapter 5: Hurt

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Hoseok POV

It was exactly 1 p.m. Once we In regardless of my initial shock, I'm glad taehyung and Yoongi hyung are friends. Taehyung seemed to lose his temper because of hunger. A smile spread across my face

"why are you smiling like an idiot?" taehyung asked me

I look at him "I'm not an idiot you fucking alien" I said teasing with him.

"Yah! I'm not an alien, you face horse" That wounded me, but I didn't want him to see that. He'd think I'm weak, and I'm not weak.

"aishh, where have you been? I've been looking to you two?" jin hyung suddenly appeared and asked with annoyed expression "did you already ate if not I swear to go-"

Taehyung cut him off "for fuck sake hyung stop your mouth for once"

"watch your mouth kid" jin warned him

"sorry and to answer to your question yes we already ate so stop shouting" taehyung answered


After a couple of hours

In my hand I placed my chin, thinking about what had just happened at the restaurant.


I watched yoongi hyung laughing with some of his co-workers. Who is he? Why is he laughing? And it hurt me, he never laugh at me like that he always say that I'm annoying him and it always hurt me. Yes, I'm a fan of Yoongi Hyung, but how can he be that clueless? As far as I can tell, he just sees me as his ffrien.

End of flashback

I feel like tears threatening to fall from my eyes and I tried hard to fight but I can't I let one tears escape in my eyes.

"Hoseok hyung, are you okay, why are you crying, does someone hurt you TELL ME" worried taehyung asked me

"No no its not like that"

"then why"

"yoongi hyung" I wispher but enough to hear me

"why yoongi hyung"

"I like him taehyung" I said as more tears fall from my eyes, taehyung wipe my tears and whispering sweet words to me while massaging my hair that I find relaxing.

Jin is the only one knew that I like yoongi, I like him almost one year. You can't blame me he has beautiful features, I know that he shows cold outside but I know that he cares inside and that's why I fall inlove with him I mean who doesn't. Yoongi has small downward facing lips, which contain his adorable gummy smile.

Same Hoseok, I'm so inlove with yoongi, I always adore his GUMMY SMILE
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