Chapter 11: Thought's

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After that incident, hoseok has been ignoring yoongi as possible. Every day he would woke up earlier than he should and went back home late at midnight. He's doing this for almost two weeks now and of course yoongi noticed this. He always tried talk to hoseok but everytime he tried he always get the same answer, "I am busy, sorry".

Yoongi always spent his free time with jimin. but everytime he's with jimin, hoseok can't leave his mind. hoseok and hoseok and hoseok.

He doesn't like this distance between them, he wants to fix this problem and apologize if he did anything wrong and back to their normal lives as best friends. It hurt both of them, missing each other presence, missing each other voices, missing each other affection like hug and the most important missing each other smile.

Today yoongi invited jimin to his house, they didn't know how it happened but they ended up making out session. Yoongi on the top of jimin, letting yoongi take full control of kiss.

Hoseok POV

Jin hyung told me to apologize to yoongi hyung so I am here way to our house, I honestly felt bad for ignoring him for about two weeks. After all, I don't have to be jealous to their relationship but everytime I see them together holding hands, laughing I always feel the same jealousy.

I can't blame him for choosing jimin over me. He is so much better than me. I mean there is nothing special with me and how can yoongi like someone like me. I wasn't nearly handsome as jimin. There is no competition for that because clearly yoongi is inlove with jimin and the least that I can do is support them and accept the reality that me and him are only best friends and nothing more.

"Ok hoseok apologize to yoongi that's all and be happy for them" I twisted the knob and entered to see the most hurtful scene, yoongi is making out with jimin. Everytime I said to myself that accept the fact that yoongi will never be mine, my heart always betrayed my mind. So I am here now standing in front of them, even though I showed outside that there is no effect for me to see them kissing but inside all my hope was now hopeless. Is there any hope from beginning or am I just assuming that in any chances I expected.

When they acknowledge my presence yoongi quickly got off on the top of jimin.

"I...umm... uhh... sorry" I shuttered not knowing what should I say. And rushing towards the door.

Why? Why? Why? Why do I feel like yoongi hyung has cheated on me? Why can't I like someone that will likes me too instead of hoping for him? In all of people why him? Why do I have to fall inlove with my best friend? I want to forget everything so I go to the places that comes to my mind, bar.

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