Chapter 6: Ante

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I woke up early and left the bed to get ready, making sure not to wake Nazar up. This little romantic weekend really was an amazing idea. As I left the house, I took my phone and dialed the number that I had been given. After a few rings, a woman answered the phone and I quickly presented myself.

"I spoke to my partner and we would love to foster a child." I said once I was talking to the right person.

"Amazing! Do you have a few minutes so I can complete your file?" The man asked and continued to speak once I gave my agreement. "I already have all your informations. I would need you to tell me more about your partner. Could you give me their age and profession, please?"

"Sure. He's forty-six; we're only a few months apart. And he's not working. He stays at home and takes care of the house."

"I see. So, there will always have someone home to look after the child even when you're working?"

"Yes, absolutely." I answered, knowing I would need to start looking for a full-time babysitter before the child arrived in our life.

"Perfect. Are you free this week for a meeting? I would need to meet him and ask him a few questions in person before finalizing everything." 

"Of course. I'm free Thursday toward the end of the afternoon or Friday early in the afternoon, if that's fine for you."

"Friday is perfect. Meet me at my office at 1pm."

As the call ended, I was tempted to call Nazar to let him know about it but decided against it. He was probably still asleep and it could wait until this evening. I entered the building and greeted Imogen with a smile. I proceeded to tell her everything that happened this weekend as soon as I put my stuffs in my office.

"I'm surprised he changed his mind; you were so sure he wouldn't agree. But I'm happy for you. You will be an amazing foster parent."

I smiled shyly at her words and thanked her. I really hoped she was right. After a few more small talks, we both went back to our respective office to start our work of the day. I checked my schedule and re-read my files to make sure I remembered everything about my next patient. The day went by quickly enough and I said goodbye to Imogen as I left the building, not wanting Nazar to be late to his appointment. Nazar was ready and waiting for me in the kitchen and we immediately left to go to the town center. I could see that he was lost in his thoughts and, as much as I wanted to share my call from this morning, I knew it wasn't the right time. We entered into the building and stopped in front of the secretary.

"Hello, we have an appointment in about fifteen minutes. For Mr. Andrews." I told the receptionist who nodded and checked her computer.

"You can wait in the waiting area. Mr. Krumenacker will receive you shortly."

We thanked her and sat on a chair, next to the window in the empty waiting room. "Everything will be fine..." I whispered to Nazar, squeezing his hand softly into mine.

He sent a small smile in my direction but didn't answer and we waited in silence. When Nazar's name was called, we got up and I led him toward Mr. Krumenacker before letting go of his hand. The specialist put one of his hands on Nazar's back, leading him in his office and I went back to the waiting area. I tried to keep myself busy by playing a random game on my phone but I glanced at the door every few seconds. We had been going to this specialist every year since we came back in Plymouth but everytime I was alone waiting for Nazar, I felt slightly nervous. I feared the day he would come out with a positive test.

After what felt like eternity, the door opened and I immediately got up. "Nothing to worry about." Mr. Krumenacker said with a smile, making me sigh in relief.

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