Chapter 39: Nazar

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It was hours after we ate dinner and we were currently in a guest bedroom. Ante was finally asleep next to me. It took him a while and a lot of moving around while I tried to reassure him the best I could. But I felt guilty. The conversation I had with a doctor at the hospital before my MRI wasn't hopeful and I feared Ante's reaction. Not to mention that I was really anxious. His words kept replaying over and over in my mind.

"I won't lie to you. From the symptoms you described, it sounds like a brain tumor. The MRI will either confirm or deny it. We will also know how big it is and where it's situated."

"If the MRI shows a tumor, will it be operable? Or am i condemned?"

"It will depend on where it is located."

I felt the beating of my heart accelerate and took a deep breath. I couldn't stop thinking about it. I gently took Ante in my arm and pulled him closer until his back was against my chest. I put my head into the crook of his shoulder, trying to think of happy memories without much success...


I felt the sunlight hit my back and I removed one of my hands from Ante's stomach to rub my eyes. I felt exhausted and like my head was going to explode. I barely slept, too busy replaying conversations and making different scenarios in my head. I smiled a little as I felt Ante move slightly in my arms and I kissed his shoulder gently. We stayed a few minutes in this position before getting up and dressing ourselves. Ante led me into the kitchen where we greeted Martha and Jonathan. I sat around the table and was thankful when someone handed me a cup of coffee. Not too long after, Ethan entered the kitchen and greeted us in a small voice, making me smile slightly. Once Ethan was done eating his breakfast, we put our shoes on, ready to go to the train station and go back home.

"Are you sure you don't want me to drive you home?" Jonathan asked as we were about to leave the farm.

"You've done more than enough already. We can take the train." Ante answered and I nodded. We weren't supposed to stay for so long and didn't want to bother them. Jonathan was already nice enough to bring us back to the station.

After one last goodbye with Martha, Ante led me toward Jonathan's car. The trip to the station was quick and uneventful and we told him goodbye before heading toward our train. 

"So, Ethan, did you like Martha and Jonathan's farm?" Ante asked once we were in our seats.

"Yes! They have so many animals!!" He exclaimed before adding. "Do you think I will be able to have a pig one day?"

"I'm sure you will."

I was thankful the train was mostly quiet as I felt my head weighted more than the rest of my body.

Once back in Plymouth, Ante called a taxi which brought us back home. The rest of the day felt like a blur, mostly spent sitting on the sofa and being lost in my thoughts. Since I knew I may have a tumor in my brain, it seemed like I could feel my brain pulse in my head but I knew it was probably my imagination and the headaches. Still, I was grateful when it was time to go to bed. Laying down with Ante in my arms, I did my best to get some rest and prepare myself mentally. I didn't know about the MRI but the results of the blood test should arrive tomorrow, making my stomach churn. I closed my eyes bringing Ante a little closer, being careful not to wake him up.


When I woke up, the house was quiet and I took a quick shower before getting dressed and going downstairs. As always, I checked if there was any new voice messages from Ante. My heart began to beat faster when I heard there was a new message soon followed by Ante's voice. 

"Hey Nazar, I hope you slept well. I didn't want to wake you up , I know you had trouble falling asleep last night. I will come check up on you during my break. I'm letting you this message because I received the results of your blood tests and everything seems fine. You lack vitamin D but all the others results are good. I will call again if I get the results of the MRI. Love you!"

I couldn't help but smile a little. I loved having small messages from him. And I was glad the results were fine even if I felt guilty. Hearing the relief in his voice, made me think back of what the doctor told me back at the hospital. I didn't know if brain tumors could be detected in blood tests but I really hoped his suspicions were wrong.

The pressure in my head wasn't too bad compared to yesterday so I decided to prepare something for lunch so Ante wouldn't have to do anything once he came back. I took my time to check what ingredients were available and pick what I could make. Once decided, I put an alarm for about one hour later and picked up a book to read in the meantime. It wasn't easy to concentrate on the words under my fingertips and I was thankful when the alarm finally rang. I went back into the kitchen and started to prepare some macaroni and cheese. While it was cooking, I asked the coffee machine to make me a cup and drank it while waiting for Ante to come back.

A small smile appeared on my lips as I heard the front door being opened. He entered the kitchen a few seconds later and I felt a pair of arms wrap around my body just after. "How are you?" He asked, kissing my cheek softly.

"I'm okay. I made us some lunch." I answered, turning around to kiss him proprely.

We set the table and started to eat. It didn't take long for Ante to bring back the blood test subject. "After work, I can go to the pharmacy and get you some vitamins. It's on my path to get Ethan anyway."

I simply nodded before changing the subject. "Have you talked to Mr. Collins yet?"

"Not yet but I have another meeting with him on Friday.... He knows things are going well between them and I'm pretty sure the adoption will be finalized very soon. It's just a matter of time now..." He explained, sighing a little.

I reached accross the table to take his hand into mine and squeezed it a little. It wasn't going to be easy to let Ethan go. "I'm sure Martha and Jonathan will continue to update you or even let you visit him if you want to."

"I'm sure they will bu-" He started saying but was interrupted by his phone ringing. The call was quick and Ante barely said anything, making me feel sick in my stomach. I put my fork down, trying to listen to the conversation without much success. When the phone call ended, Ante stayed silent for a minute before whispering slowly "... You have brain tumor..." 

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