Chapter 16: Ante

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A few weeks went by since the moment I broke down in Nazar's arms. And to say that my job got easier would be a lie. I sighed as I got up, making my way toward the bathroom. Thankfully it was Friday and I couldn't wait for the weekend to arrive in order to try and relax a little. I took a brief shower before standing in front of the mirror. I shaved the stubble I had on one part of my face before stopping and stared at my reflection. I slowly touched the burn mark on my cheek, feeling the sandpaper like texture against the tip of my fingers. The texture seemed stronger and it looked more visible than usual. I wondered if it was because it had been a while since I looked at myself or if it was one of the consequences of getting older. Either way, I hated it.

I turned away and got dressed before going downstairs to prepare the breakfast. Once it was done, I put it on the table just in time as Ethan entered the kitchen. He sent a shy smile in my direction as he sat on a chair to eat some pancakes. I checked the time, making sure we wouldn't be late: Ethan was going to school now and I was the one walking him there; it wasn't too far from my office and I only had to slightly adjust my schedule.

Once the breakfast finished, I put the leftovers in the frigdge and left a message to Nazar before checking on Ethan who was putting his shoes on. We left the house and walked toward his school in silence. He was walking next to me while still keeping a security distance but it was fine for me; slowly but surely we were making some progress. I watched him enter the school ground and then made my way toward my office where a full day of work was awaiting me.

I greeted Imogen and went to my office, putting my bag on the floor and removing my coat, putting it on the back of my armchair. I turned my computer on and checked today's meetings. I had three meetings this morning and two this afternoon. My schedule was lighter compared to the rest of the week but it was far from being easier emotionally. Plus, my last meeting of the day was Celine, the woman who got burned by her husband. I looked at the file of my next patient that was supposed to come in the next twenty minutes, reminiscing our past sessions together.

When I heard the noise of the front door behind opened, I got up and put a smile on my face to greet Lily, my first patient of the day. The three meetings this morning went on quickly and well, all of them making great progress. During my break, I took my bag and left the office to go to the gym that was around the street's corner. It became harder for me to exercice at home since Ethan was there so I made sure to go a few times a week during my lunch break; sport still had an important place in my life.

I entered the building, greeting the person at the entrance with a nod and made my way toward the changing rooms. I entered an empty cubicle and changed myself before putting my stuffs into a locker. I then walked toward the working out equipments, ready to start my workout. The physical effort always had a calming effect on my body and I alternated between the running machine and the  Seated Row one. After one hour, I was drenched in sweat but felt happy and relaxed. With a content smile on my face, I went back to my locker to get my stuffs before heading toward the showers. Once clean and dressed, I left the gym and bought a sandwich on my way back to the office.

I ate it while looking at the file of my next patient, a ten years old boy, Tobias. This meeting wasn't really a session; it was mostly a goodbye as it was his last time coming in my office. He had been one of my patients for the last two years and made enough progress not to come here anymore. I was really happy and proud of him. He had always been strong willed with a lot of determination and just needed some help to get out of a bad period in his life. I smiled when I heard the door of the building opening and got up, greeting him and his mother.

"It won't take long today." I told his mother as she sat on one of the free chairs in the waiting room. "Feel free to get yourself some coffee or tea!" I added before going back in my office with Tobias. "So, how are you today?"

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