Chapter 18: Ante

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Weeks passed and Christmas was getting closer and closer. Ethan was making progress and, even if he still didn't like physical contact, he was opening up.

"We should go out and buy a tree." I told Nazar who was snuggled against me under the covers.

"Already? We're only at the beginning of November!"

"I know but I'm sure Ethan would love to pick a tree and help us decorate it. I doubt his past Christmas were great."

"You're probably right. I'm not against it if you want to go shopping today. We could go this morning, stop at a restaurant and then go back to set everything up?" He asked, propping himself up on one elbow, his hand holding his head.

"Sounds like we have our Saturday all planned." I replied with a smile before giving him a quick kiss on the lips.

I threw the covers away from my body, decided to get up and get the day started when I felt a pair of arms wrap around my body. He pulled me closer until my back hit his chest. 

"You're lucky Ethan is here or I wouldn't have let you leave this bed." He whispered in my ear, making me shiver.

"You're unbelievable." I chuckled, turning around slightly. "We will see what we can do tonight." I added before getting out of his grip and making my way toward the bathroom, the smile not leaving my lips.

I took a quick shower before stopping in front of the mirror to shave the part of my face that didn't have scars or burn marks. I looked at myself while doing it, being careful not to cut myself and stared at that particular scar right under my left eye. Imogen was nice enough to take Celine as one of her patients after I had explained her what I was feeling. Not having to relieve my past over and over at each session helped a lot with my nightmares and my self-confidence even if it still wasn't perfect. I was applying the advices Mr. Biersack gave me with even more rigor than before; I wouldn't risk falling back in bad habits. Nazar and Ethan were counting on me and, even if he wasn't with us anymore, I didn't want to disappoint Martial.

With one last sight, I turned away and dressed myself before going downstairs. I could hear Ethan and Nazar talk in the kitchen as I approached and a good smell reached my nose a few seconds later. I stopped at the entrance and watched Ethan standing on a chair in front of the counter, using the voice option of our coffee machine while Nazar was standing next to him. I smiled when I heard Ethan squeal with delight as the machine started.

"So, what are you two making?" I asked as I walked closer to the counter.

"I'm making coffee and Nazar prepared the batter for pancakes." Ethan replied, quickly looking in my direction before turning his attention back to the coffee machine.

"Oh, and who is going to make the pancakes?" I asked, putting my hand on Nazar's shoulder.

"Well, you obviously. We did all the work so far." Nazar replied as if it was obvious, making Ethan giggle.

"You can just admit that I'm the better cook in this room." I answered, taking the batter to start cooking.

Nazar laughed but didn't answer and I prepared the pancakes. During that time, he put two steamy cup of coffee on the table and gave Ethan a glass of apple juice. I put a plate full of pancakes in the middle of the table and we all started to eat.

"You should tell him what you have planned for today." Nazar said, breaking the silence.

I watched as Ethan raised his eyes curiously, waiting for me to speak. "Would you like us to go out and buy a tree for Christmas this morning? Then we will eat at the restaurant and go back here to decorate." 

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