Chapter 27: Nazar

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When Ante brought me back home, I immediately put some music on to try to change my mind. Sadly, it didn't work as well as I had hoped and I couldn't stop thinking about  what happened. A part of me wished I had decided to wait until Mr. Krumenacker came back before doing my annual exam. It was easy to realize this one hadn't read my file before my appointment: he didn't even know I was blind! Plus, even after telling him, he was still asking questions like 'is there any blood when I pee' as if I could answer. But the most important was that, in the end, he told me my results were alright.

I sighed, massaging my temples. A part of me wanted to ask Ante to schedule another meeting once Mr. Krumenacker was back but I knew that asking him this would make him worry a lot for nothing. And what would I say? That his colleague didn't know I was blind and that it made me overthink? It was stupid, I knew it.

Luckily for me, after a few hours of ressassing the same thoughts over and over, I heard a knock on the door and knew it probably was Noah's mother. 

"Hello, thank you for bringing Ethan back home." I said, a smile on my face as she greeted me.

"My pleasure. I'm really glad him and my son are getting along so well." She replied before adding. "I have to go now, have a good evening."

I wished her the same and closed the door behind Ethan.

"How was school? Good?"

"Yep. Lana gave me a lollipop during lunch." He replied, making me smile slightly.

"Sounds good. Would you like us to prepare dinner for tonight? I'm not sure when Ante is supposed to come back but I'm sure we have time."

"Can we make a pizza?" He asked and I took a minute to think about it.

"I never made one but we could search online to see what we need. Let's go." We went in the kitchen where I asked Alexa about the ingredients needed. "Okay, so we need flour, olive oil, salt, baking powder and some water."

I knew where the ingredients were so I put them all on the kitchen's table.

"You forgot something!" Ethan exclaimed, making me frown. After a few seconds, he added. "Chocolate!"

"You're right! Cooking is always better with chocolate. But don't tell Ante, he would kill me." I confessed in a joking way.

I took a chocolate bar and opened it before handing it to him. He thanked me, putting a square of chocolate in my hands. I ate it, enjoying the creamy taste of milky chocolate. I asked Alexa how to make a pizza dough, listening carefully to what she was telling us.

"So, we need 350g of flour. Do you know how much is it?" 

"Yes, I helped Ante the last time he cooked." He answered, making me nod. He was a smart kid.

I decided to trust him, handing him the ingredients one after the other, repeating him the right quantities Alexa had said.

"Alright, we have everything. Now, just stir it. If you get tired, let me know and I will continue."

I smiled as I heard the front door being opened a few minutes later.

"Sorry if I'm a little late. What are you making?"

"We're trying to make pizza!" Ethan exclaimed, making me smile.

"The key word here is trying." I added, chuckling slightly.

"So, what have you done so far?

"I gave the ingredients to Ethan and told him the quantities he needed to put to make a dough." 

"You didn't check if he put the right quantities? I-O.... I'm sorry, it doesn't look like a dough. Ethan, come here and show me how much you put inside the bowl." Ante asked, making me wonder how bad the result looked. "And why is there an open chocolate bar on the counter?"

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