Chapter 8: Ante

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Months passed quickly between my work and my life with Nazar, at home. As I was about to leave my office for the day, I got the long-awaited call. I answered it as I started walking back home, my heart beating strongly against my chest.

"Hello, Mr. Ross. Are you and your partner still interested in fostering a child?"

"Yes, we are."

"Good. A five years old boy arrived at the orphanage recently and I think you would be the perfect fit. It would be great if we could meet so I could tell you more about him."

"Well, I was on my way home but I could make a detour and come right now if you want?" I asked as I stopped in my tracks.

"Perfect. I will be waiting for you." He replied before hanging up.

I changed directions and walked up to the orphanage where I meet the director. 

"Thank you for coming so quickly." He greeted me as we went to his office.

"Thank you for calling me."

"So, this little boy... His name is Ethan and he recently turned five. We took him away from his parents because of sexual assaults. I'm not going to lie, he's pretty traumatised and he's suspicious of everyone, especially men. We have been working together for a long time now and you helped many of our children. I think you could help him too, if you agree to foster him. Of course your partner will have to agree with it."

"I will talk to him about it but I would love to help him. He's so young but has already been through so much..." I said, my heart breaking at the thought of everything that happened to him.

"Come with me, I will show him to you. He's in the playroom with the younger children." He said as he got up.

I followed him through the corridors and we stopped at the entrance of the playroom where various children were playing together.

"It's him." He said, mentionning a little boy sitting alone in a corner.

His freckled face showed no emotions while he was looking at the others playing. A few brown curls were on his forehead, hiding one of his eyes and I smiled sadly. I really wanted to do my best to help him. After a few minutes of observation, I turned around and he accompagnied me to the exit.

"Thank you for calling me and showing me Ethan. I will talk to my partner and give you a call in the next few days." I told him as I shook his hand.

He nodded before wishing me a great evening and I left, making my way back home.

"Sorry, I'm a little late." I said as I opened the front door.

A delicious smell immediately hit my nostrils and I smiled. 

"What took you so long?" He asked, turning around.

I walked closer and kissed him before answering. "I got a call from the orphanage. They have a five years old boy and they think we would be the perfect fit for him." 

His eyes widened at my words and it took him a moment to say something. "Oh wow..." He ended up whispering.

"D-Did you change your mind?" I asked softly, not expecting him to be so emotionless.

"No, it's not that... I just didn't expect the kid to be so young. It's going to be a challenge."

"It will be a challenge, for sure, but I think we could manage. Let's eat and I will tell you what the director told me, alright?"

He nodded before finishing to serve the food on our plates. We sat around the table and started to eat in silence. I could see that he was waiting for me to speak so I didn't wait any longer and started to tell him everything about the visit and Ethan.

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