Chapter 37: Nazar

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As I was sitting in the waiting room accompanied by Ante and Ethan, I hoped these blood tests would tell us if something was wrong. I felt like shit  and I didn't feel like it would stop anytime soon. I let Ante led me when my name got called and I sat on a chair. I held out my arm and winced slightly when I felt the needle enter my skin.

"Does it hurt?" Ethan asked curiously.

"No, it doesn't. You barely feel it enter your skin."

When it was over, I got up and Ante held my arm again. "You will receive the results early next week by email and the bill soon in your mailbox." The woman said, making me nod.

Only a few days to wait. Ante called a taxi to take us to the trainstation where we would take the train to go see Martha and Jonathan. A part of me would have liked to rest but I really wanted to be there to discover the place where Ethan would end up living. From what Ante told me, they lived in Clearbrook which was about one hour away by train.

"Ethan, do you want your coloring book?" Ante asked once we were in our seats.

"No, thank you. I want to look outside the window. When will we move?"

"The train should start in a few minutes."

Just like Ante said, the train started a few minutes later and I listened to Ethan's reactions to what he was seeing. I was glad it wasn't too overcrowded because I could easily imagine the noises being a lot stronger than they were and my head was killing me enough already. Luckily, the trip was quick enough and it didn't take long for the train to stop. Ante led us outside where Martha and Jonathan were waiting. I smiled slightly as I felt the sun shine above me soon followed by their voices greeting us.

"Did you have a great trip?"

"Yes! Are we going to see the animals?" Ethan exclaimed making us all chuckle.

"Of course. Let's go." Martha answered and I led Ante lead us toward their car.

After a short trip, the car stopped and we stepped outside.

"You have a dog?!! What's its name?" Ethan asked just as Ante reminded him to stay close to us.

"Shelby. Do you want to pet him?" Martha asked somewhere on my right.

"Can I?" 

"Of course." Ante replied and it was easy to hear he was smiling.

We started by visiting the farm, especially the animals as it was what Ethan wanted the most. I spent the next two hours walking around being led by Ante while Martha and Jonathan explained the functioning of their farm and showed their animals to Ethan who seemed to have the time of his life. His excitation reached a new high when he saw the pigs and it sounded like he fell in love with the ones he saw.

"Do you want to hold one?" Jonathan asked me, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Is it going to bite me?"

"Not as long as you avoid putting your fingers in its mouth." He answered with a slight chuckle. "Here."

He put a little piglet in my hands and I was glad it didn't move too much as I didn't want to drop it. It made small noises and I couldn't help but smile as I started to pet it. After a few minutes, Jonathan gently took it back and Ante took my hand into his. I squeezed it gently, trying to ignore the pain in my head. It wasn't easy to pretend it didn't bother me and the strong smell in the barn didn't help. I was happy when we left this place and continued our visit. We made our way into their house where they did a quick tour. 

"The house is even more beautiful in person." Ante complimented as we stopped walking.

"Thank you." Martha said before adding. "This is the last room. It's a guest bedroom."

I smiled slightly as I heard this. I knew it probably was Ethan's future room. 

"It's really spacious. There's enough space for a double bed, a desk and a wardrobe. And tons of toys. What do you think, Ethan?"

"Sure! And plushies too. Everyone loves plushies."

"Of course." Martha answered and I could hear her smiling. I loved hearing them interact; their relationship was adorable. Since the first time I met them, I knew Ante was right. They were the perfect family for him; no matter what we would have preferred.

As the tour was over, Ante led me toward the kitchen where we all sat around the table to eat a late lunch. Jonathan explained what he had prepared earlier and I listened to it with a small smile. At first, it was a little weird to learn the husband's name was Jonathan as it was my father's name too. But, thankfully for everyone, Martha's husband was completely different and one of the nicest man I ever met. 

The whole meal was made with products from their farm and you could feel it. It was delicious and the quality was definitely there. To end it, Martha had made her speciality: an apple pie. It was delicious and the best pie I ever ate in my life. We got up to drink a coffee in their living room when I started to feel a strange tingling sensation in a few parts of my body. Decided to ignore it, I let Ante led me to a sofa and I smiled when I realized Ethan was sitting next to me.

"Are you having a great time so far?"

"Yeah! Do you think I will be able to have a pig one day?" Ethan asked, making me chuckle slightly.

"I'm sure you will." As we were drinking our coffee, that tingling sensation became stronger and it made my nausea come back in full force. "Ante, could you put down my cup, please? I don't feel super good."

I felt someone take the cup out of my hands a few seconds later. "Is everything alright?"

"You don't look so good. Do you want us to drive you back?" Martha asked worryingly.

Before I could answer, Ante helped me get up. "Let's go. We will come back another time." He told me gently as we slowly started to walk.

"...I....Feel...Weird..." I managed to say as I concentrated all my energy on following Ante. 

My headache became even stronger, making me feel dizzy and as if I was going to faint. I could hear Ante was talking to me and I knew he was holding my arm but his voice seemed to come from afar. And then, suddenly, my mind went blank...

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