Chapter 41: Nazar

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"Can you move your limbs?" A feminine voice asked. "Good. And your toes? Perfect." It was the third time someone came to check up on me. "We will bring you back to your room in a few minutes."

I couldn't help but smile when I felt my bed starting to move.

"Did everything go well?" Ante asked as soon as my bed stopped moving.

"Yes. A doctor will come soon to tell you more about it."

A few seconds later, I felt Ante taking my hand into his. "How do you feel?" He asked softly.

"My head and stomach hurt but it doesn't change much from the past few days. So, I guess I can say I'm okay."

I smiled slightly when I felt him kiss the hand he was holding. A man, who I assumed was the doctor, interrupted the moment.

"The biopsy went well. We have all the tissues needed." He said before adding. " For the next few days, you will have steroid medication to control brain swelling and anticonvulsant medication to prevent seizures. You will also stay here overnight but, if everything goes well, you will be discharged tomorrow."

"Will I have to change the bandage on his head?"

"We will remove it tomorrow before he gets discharged but you will need to bring him to your doctor in a few days so he can check if it's healing correctly. You will have to be gentle while washing your hair."

I nodded and waited until the doctor left the room to talk to Ante. "How does it look?"

"It's just a big bandage around your head. But you've heard what he said, he will remove it tomorrow."

I nodded, squeezing his hand softly into mine. "How did the meeting with Mr. Collins go?"

"It went well. Martha and Jonathan will come in his office in the next few days to complete the paperwork and finalize the adoption... But we agreed that he will stay with us until the holidays so he doesn't miss school..."

My heart ached at these words. I knew - we both knew - it was going to happen but it still hurt. We got used quickly to his presence. "When are the next holidays?" I asked after a minute of silence.

"...In two weeks..." He whispered and his voice cracked at the end, making me close my eyes trying to fight back my emotions.

"Do you already know how you will tell him?"

"Not really... I-I will just do my best to explain the situation to him and tell him that we will continue to stay in touch with him even if we don't live together anymore...." He explained before adding. "I called them once I left Mr. Collins' office and they were happy, obviously, but they told me that we could come as often as we wanted to see him. And they will give us regular news."

"I didn't expect anything less from them. They're good people..." I whispered, closing my eyes. I felt tired, both emotionally and physically.

I could feel myself start to doze off and Ante reassured me it was fine. He would stay with me until I woke up. Feeling reassured, I managed to fell asleep quickly only to wake up moments later.

"I have to go get Ethan... I will see you tomorrow morning, alright?" Ante asked as he squeezed my hand gently.

I knew there was no other choice so I simply nodded even if I would have prefered for him to stay here with me. I felt his lips on mine a few seconds later and I sighed slightly once I knew he had left the room. I tried to fall back asleep but wasn't able to as someone came into the room a while later. This person gently checked my bandage before asking me if everything was alright. When I nodded, she simply said she would be back very soon to give me a light dinner.

When she came back, she helped me sit and put an extra pillow behind my back so it was more comfortable. "Can you eat on your own or do you need some help?"

"I can eat on my own. I just need to know where the plate is."

She took my hand and showed me where everything was. I started to eat the mash potatoes and vegetables. It wasn't super good but it was edible. The nurse stayed next to me as I was eating and handed me a glass of water once I was done. I felt like I was being babied and I didn't really like it but I kept my mouth shut. She was just doing her job. Before leaving, she made sure I knew where the button was if I wanted to call someone during the night and told me not to hesitate to press it if I needed something.

The drugs they were giving me through the intravenous infusion were doing a great job and it made my headache and nausea almost non existent. Sadly, I didn't sleep very well during the night. I kept being woken up every few hours by someone coming to check up on me. Early in the morning, the doctor came to check up on me and removed my bandage replacing it by something a lot smaller, only to protect the stitches. A nurse then came with some breakfast and removed the intravenous infusion once I was done eating.

She helped me get up and led me into the bathroom where I was able to empty my bladder. I freshened up in the sink and let her lead me back into the bed. I smiled as I heard Ante's voice coming from outside the room. I could hear that he was talking to someone but I couldn't understand what they were saying.

"Hey, how are you?" He asked once he finally arrived next to me.

"Alright. I can't wait to go back home."

"Good because I just talked to the doctor and you're free to go."

He handed me my clothes and held my arm once I was fully dressed. As we were leaving the hospital, I explained him how my night went without forgetting to let him know about the infusion that made my headaches and nausea almost non existent. And I could still feel the effects even if I knew it wasn't going to last. "Did you tell the news to Ethan? How did he react?" I asked, remembering he was supposed to tell him yesterday.

"There were tears. Lots of them." He answered with a sigh before adding. "He likes Martha and Jonathan but wants to stay with us. I had to explain him a few times it wasn't possible but that we would keep in touch. He didn't seem fully convinced but I still have two weeks to show him we won't give him away and then cut off all contacts."

I nodded but I wasn't worried about it. I knew he would be able to do it. "Where is he?"

"At home with his old babysitter. I didn't want to bring him to the hospital. I didn't know if you were going to be able to leave soon or what they may tell us."

Hearing Ethan's excited voice as soon as we stepped inside the home, made me smile. I would miss him.

"Did you miss me?" I asked as I went into the living room.

"Yes!! Do you want to come play with me?"

I smiled and nodded, letting Ante speak with the babysitter. I fully intended to enjoy these moments as much as possible...

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