Chapter 1

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It had been weeks.

Weeks since I had come home to a colorful Iggy and that awful, hated letter underneath his cage.

The last time I'll ever talk to you. Keefe's words rang in my head echoing after all this time. I had spent two weeks searching the world for his mind, transmitting to him, hoping for just a hint of a reply.

The first two days, I curled up next to Calla's Panakes tree, refusing to eat or drink or sleep. I sent out my thoughts to the mind I knew so well.

Please come back.

I need you.

Keefe, don't leave me alone.

Please don't leave me.

But after three days, Dex convinced me to eat, and then the Council sent me on a new mission for Team Valiant, and then the tasks added up enough to keep me moving. Two weeks had passed now. Two weeks of hoping and crying and always, always transmitting.

Now, out under the Panakes again, I carefully spooned my dinner of a hot orangey soup into my mouth, trying not to spill on the dark magenta gown I wore.

The council sent us to Atlantis today, to check on the security at Nightfall. I had chosen to examine the fountain, not wanting to see the awful place that held so many awful memories. Biana stayed with me. She tried to hide it, but I could tell that her scars bothered her. She didn't want another reminder. Wylie, Dex, and Stina checked the interior passages, making sure none had been used recently. When they emerged, Dex was as pale as Biana.

The fountain, too, had been clear; the statue of me, Keefe, and Linh had been untouched. I struggled to avoid looking at Keefe, his telltale smirk softened in that moment to an expression of awe. His eyes were focused on my golden likeness. I flinched when I first saw it, the beautiful boy I would never see again.

"Sophie!" Edaline's voice pulled me out of my reflections, and I nearly spilled the steaming soup. Deciding to set the bowl down for now, I turned to face my approaching mom.

Edaline lowered herself onto the grass next to me. "Fitz is here. He said he wanted to talk to you, but I wanted to warn you first." My mom's clear turquoise eyes were worried, but the shadows that were so prominent when Keefe first left were faded.

My stomach flipped in somersaults, and I stared at my remaining dinner. I was liking it so much. It was a shame I wouldn't be able to finish. I pushed down my nausea and smiled at Edaline. "Thank you for the warning." Picking up my bowl, I followed my mom into the house.

Edaline smiled at me in the entryway, making the bowl disappear with a snap. She kissed my forehead and gently pushed me forward towards the scattered furniture of the living room.

I felt like my shoes had weights anchoring me to the floor, but I dragged myself forward to where Fitz sat.

He jumped upright, nervously adjusting his tunic. I raised a brow; it wasn't often that I saw Fitz flustered. I waited for the usual flutter in my chest at the sight of him, but it never came.

We faced each other awkwardly before I cleared my throat. "Do you want to, ah, go to my room?" My voice was hoarse; I had been talking as little as possible. Out loud, that is.

Fitz nodded, seemingly relieved at the chance of privacy, and followed me upstairs. Sandor followed before taking position with Grizel outside of my bedroom door. I smiled at the soft look on his face at the sight of his companion.

I sat at the head of my canopied bed, waving for Fitz to join her. He sat near the end. Normally, I would have been slightly hurt that he was sitting so far away, but strangely enough, I was grateful for the space. Inside, I felt suffocated. The walls felt like they were closing in again.

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