Chapter 19

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Finally, quiet.

I drifted through the soft sleep, peacefully making my way through the fluffy nothingness. I wasn't in a hurry. There was no reason to be.

A stinging pain interrupted me. I couldn't tell where it was coming from.

Soon, though, it faded, and the quiet returned.

Occasionally, it would return, seemingly in different places. The pain came at random, but always faded.

I floated through, loving the quiet sleep. Endless, soft, gentle sleep.

No nightmares.

No pain.

No worries.

Just me, and the never-ending quiet.

A cold drop landing on me, a smear of icy liquid.

I sunk deeper and deeper into the quiet, until it all went black. 

He Left Me - KotLC fic (after Unlocked)Where stories live. Discover now