Chapter 15

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Beans im so excited in a few chapters we get another Keefe perspective!!!

(I know im writing it, but I feel like i have no control over the characters. i dont understand.)

Anyway this is another just pure fluff chapter so enjoyyyyy

The next day, I spent most of my time in the morning in the pastures with the alicorns. I had neglected to spend time with them in the last few months, and Silveny made sure I knew it. Silveny and Greyfall had been teaching the babies how to fly recently, and the little animals were starting to pick it up. Wynn finally realized the gorgodon was not a friend, and he had been moping for days.

Silveny trotted up to me while I pet the baby alicorn. KEEFE?

I flinched at the sound of his name, and Silveny's worry wafted through me. She sent a picture of the blond boy I had fought so hard to push from my thoughts. Keefe is gone.

Silveny's worry and confusion grew stronger, and I stood, walking back towards the house. Her love for Keefe was stifling now that he wasn't here to tease me about it.

The evening closed in, and Biana hailed me to ask if she could come over to get ready. Grady and Edaline readily agreed, so I showered quickly in the hopes that I would be done by the time she arrived.

I was drying my hair with a soft towel when I heard her clambering up the stairs, making enough noise to make me wonder if she'd brought suitcases and was banging them around the hall.

Biana burst through my bedroom door, immediately tossing herself to the floor where I sat in front of Vertina. We were chatting about the dance; Vertina wanted an update on the newest styles as soon as I got home.

"Sophie! Why is your hair wet? We have to style it!"

Sandor shut my bedroom door with a bemused look and a smile that said good luck. Vertina squealed at the sight of another girl, one clearly more into fashion than I was. Biana's hair obviously hadn't been touched today; it was still knotted and twisted like she had gotten out of the shower and rushed here. She shook me by the shoulders as if to imbue enthusiasm via touch.

Biana leaped up, disappearing and reappearing across the carpet, grabbing her bag from where she dropped it on the way in. She wasn't in her gown yet; we were dressed similarly in black tunics and leggings. She almost tore the zipper of the bag trying to get it open faster, eventually pulling out a garment bag I assume held her dress.

"Get dressed, now!" She shooed me into my closet, taking the bathroom for herself.

I laughed at her energy and quickly stripped, stepping into the red gown. I pulled my arms through the holes, holding it up, and reached to zip the back up. I made it part of the way before the door was flying open and Biana was lifting my wet hair out of the way to zip the rest herself.

"Oh, Sophie, I'm so excited! Tonight will go perfectly, you'll see! Dex and I will dance, and Linh will get asked to dance, and you and Keefe—"

Biana and I both froze, and I turned away, reaching for a hairbrush. "And I'll cheer you all on," I tried to force some emotion into my voice, but the mention of Keefe had shattered my façade. I rebuilt it as quickly as possible, tugging the brush through my hair.

Biana was still standing in the same position as before, so I made an effort to smile. I turned her around, beginning to brush out the knots in her dark hair as her bubbly attitude slowly returned. She was nearly bouncing where she stood as I pulled the brush through her hair.

"How do you want to do your hair?" Biana asked as soon as I was finished.

"Why don't we ask Vertina?" I suggested. Biana nodded eagerly, and we sat in front of the spectral mirror.

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