Chapter 27

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Ninety-Seven Years After the End of the War


"Um... I..." My voice cracked. "I can't. I appreciate the vote, I really do. But I can't." I turned away from my biological mother, the scroll she held with my official recommendation as a Councilor.

Councilor Liora had stepped down from the Council, and the elves wanted me to replace her. But I couldn't.

"Why not?" Oralie asked quietly. I turned back to look at her, sitting at my small kitchen table and still managing to look regal among the stray pieces paper and strange odds-and-ends. 

"Because Councilor's aren't supposed to have romantic connections. And as much as I hate it, I'm still in love with him."


"I know he's dead. I know." I rubbed my forehead. "But I can't accept this. Not knowing I still love him."

Oralie studied me with sad eyes. "I know what it's like to wait too long for the person you love."

"I know." She and I had grown closer, she and Bronte still my points of contact on the Councilor. I frequently had lunch with them, separately and together. I had given up hating her years ago. There wasn't a point. 

"Maybe this is another way for you to do some good in the world. He would like that."

A moment of silence.

I rubbed at my forehead again. "They really want me?"

Oralie nodded. "You won by a landslide."

"But I'm so young."

"The youngest nominee ever."

"I don't want to move away." I said, looking around the small house I had grown so fond of.

"I'm sure we can make an exception."

"Can Sandor choose my guard?"

My loyal goblin had become the head trainer of the goblin regiments, even now that he was much older. Goblin lifespans were longer than human, but no where near as long as Elvin.


I stared at the scroll. I wouldn't be giving up much, anyway. I had already lost so much, avoiding my friends the last few decades. It was so hard to see them all so happy, as they moved on with their lives, and I was still hung up on a boy we knew as kids. I had "nephews" and "nieces", but they didn't need me nearly as much as they used to. I worked alone now, because Fitz took time off to travel a few years back. I avoided most interaction with people.

My parents would be so proud. And maybe Keefe would too. Would he be disappointed in me? For joining the people we rebelled against for so long?

"Okay," I whispered. 

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