Chapter 25

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beans we're getting closerrrrrr. much love, muah muah.

not sure if virtual kisses offend anyone? i dont like physical affection irl so i tend to overcompensate virtually. lmk if you dont like it or if it makes you uncomfy!

Ten Years Later

"You nervous?"

I looked over at my cognate. He had only grown more handsome in the years since we were students. Now, with his dark waves and bright eyes, he looked so much like his dad that I almost flashed back to being a kid, here for accidentally bottling the light from Elementine. I was pretty sure Fitz never actually heard that story. We had graduated years ago, but now in our mid-twenties, we were still children about to risk everything for an idea.

I shook my head. "We're doing the right thing. The Council will see that."

Speaking of the devil, the leaders filed in from the side, each taking a seat in their thrones. I sank gratefully into my seat next to Fitz's, and then shot upright when I remembered that we weren't supposed to sit yet. My cheeks flamed. I was as awkward as I ever had been.

"Sophie Foster. Fitz Vacker. You are here to discuss a potential change in our world, yes?" Emery's booming voice echoed throughout the full tribunal hall. According to Fitz, the entire Elvin world was here today. The stands were packed, more full than I had ever seen them. Which was expected; our idea involved them all.

I nodded, and then remembered I had to speak. I cleared my throat. "Yes, Councilor."

He closed his eyes momentarily before opening them again. "Proceed."

Fitz took a deep breath. "We would like to change the matchmaking system."

Murmurs spread thought the hall. I gulped, only remembering my lines when Fitz nudged me.

"For too long, the matchmaking based on talent and personality has caused strife in our world. Well-known Neverseen member Brant Alger would never have converted to the rebellion if his pairing with Jolie Ruewen had not been ruled a Bad Match. Such labels have ruined the lives of many and have caused a prejudice in our world where there shouldn't be."

"Therefore," Fitz picked up. "Required matchmaking should be based purely on genetic relatives, and matchmaking based on personality should be optional only. Matchmaking based on talent should be abolished completely."

The murmurs in the crowd grew to a roar, and it took several minutes before Emery silenced the hall again.

"You are suggesting we alter one of the most fundamental parts of our society."

"Sir, the matchmaking system is based on a time when we were focused on growing our population to the supposed strongest it could be," I answered, fidgeting nervously with my fingers. "Times have changed. Multiple births do not hold the same implied decrease of worth that they once did. The Dizznee triplets, all excelling in school for their talents and their skills, are proof of that. Our society is thriving. The older systems can be altered to better us in removing another of our harsh prejudices."

The murmurs seemed more in favor now, like we had convinced the majority of the crowd. I took a shaky breath. I still felt like the new kid, even after almost two decades of living among them. 

Emery closed his eyes, mediating the mental conversation. It took several long moments before he opened them again.

"Ms. Foster, Mr. Vacker, we have reached a consensus. It is unanimous."

I held my breath and clutched Fitz's hand, hoping desperately.

"We agree with your conceptual system. Too long we have been guided by the rules and discrimination of a different time."

Emery continued, but my head was spinning too hard to hear it. We did it. The system would be rebuilt. The crowd cheered, and I grinned, lightheaded.

Fitz spun me around, laughing. "We did it!" He shouted over the noise of the crowd. I nodded, almost crying with happiness.

I searched for our friends in the crowd, finding them cheering with everyone else. Dex's parents were sobbing, holding each other like they thought they were dreaming. He pulled her into a kiss, and the triplets, beaming with happiness, all pretended to gag.

I grinned again. I was changing the world like Mr. Forkle told me I could, one step at a time.

Jolie would love what I did today. Kenric probably would have been cheering with the crowd. Keefe would have too. I could almost see him in the stands, abandoning his too-cool act to cheer for us as long as his hair wasn't getting messed up. Later, he would have met us with his casual smirk.

Fitz glanced over at me, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. He caught my eyes, and seeing the sadness probably lying there, kissed my forehead. "He would be so proud, Soph. I know he would."

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