Chapter 21

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Hiiii i swear this is the longest story i've ever written but I SWEAR WE'RE GETTING CLOSE. just a bit more torture? I'm so excited for the parts coming up. and this is my second fanfic ever, so if you have any critiques??? or things you like??? lmk, ily beans <333

also @EstrelMb25 is hands down my favorite person on this app, they are actually the sweetest thing and my biggest supporter and EVERYONE SHOULD GO READ THEIR ONE-SHOTS they are actually amazing and i love them smmm

love, momo

Hours later, I lay on my back on the concrete floor, staring at the dingy ceiling. Sophie was next to me, hands folded on her stomach.

Years ago, I had read a human story my Multispeciesial studies mentor assigned, translated into the Enlightened Language. It was called The Iliad, and he had wanted to show me the awful way humans fight in wars. There was one part where the hero Achilles stayed with the body of his dead companion, refusing to sleep without it. At the time, I thought it was disgusting, especially when the body began to decay, but now I understood the fear of being parted. I wasn't quite prepared to let go of her.

I pictured us together somewhere else. Laying on a rooftop, looking at the stars, maybe. I'd get nervous and crack a few jokes, and Sophie would laugh and shove my shoulder, and I'd take it with a smile because it made her happy. She'd catch me staring at her, and our gazes would meet, and there would be precious moments before she got flustered and turned away.

The door creaked open, but I didn't move or look away from the spot on the ceiling. I played with the circular piece of silver I had found in the pocket with the photos.


"Hello, Mommy Dearest. Come to join the party?"

"Get up."

"Did you kidnap Sophie before or after her event?" I asked, refusing to budge.

"During, actually. I believe she was in the middle of a slow dance with the Vacker boy."

My breath caught. Maybe she had moved on, like I asked her to. I tried to be happy at the thought, even if it made my heart hurt. But didn't she say she and Fitz had decided to stay friends? "You should've let her finish. Much better manners."

"Get up now."

"Or what? You'll kill me? Go ahead." At least I would get to see her again.

"Vespera will."

I finally rolled my head to the side to look at her. "Does your little minion not like me? Shame. I think I'm quite charming."

My mom rolled her eyes. She crossed her arms under her black cloak. "Vespera thinks you're a liability. Too soft. So get up and I'll help you."

I laughed. "Oh, mother, when have you ever helped me?"

I watched hurt flash across her face. "You have the potential for greatness. Unfortunately, your powers aren't what I had planned. You need to be safe before I can think of a way to integrate them into my plan."

I lurched upright. "You can't use me."

"Of course I can. And I will. But not yet."

The command was at the back of my throat, and I didn't try to force it down as it surged forward, a reaction to my growing panic at being a tool. "STOP."

Mom froze like a statue. She crumpled to the floor, and for a moment I stared, shocked, as her lips began turning blue.

Stop... Stop talking, stop thinking, stop... breathing?

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