Chapter 32

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This is it. Love you :)

Sunlight streamed in my window. I rolled over in annoyance, still half asleep. I must've forgotten to activate the blinds when I went to bed last night.

I bolted upright. I hadn't gone to bed last night. Last I remembered, I was falling asleep on my sofa, worn out after crying.

Now, though, I was tucked under my comforter in my own room. Ella was in the crook of my arm. I lurched out of bed, tossing my covers straight and rushing downstairs.

I came to a screeching halt at the base of the stairs.

Keefe was sprawled on his stomach over my tiny sofa, legs and arms hanging off. His hair was a mess, and not the carefully styled mess it usually was. A tiny strand of drool hung from his lip.

I giggled, but then remembered I probably didn't look much better. My hair was still very fond of making me look like a pineapple, and the choppy ends made it look even worse. In the years since the day I had woken up a year older, I had refused to go to a salon to get it cut, doing it myself. I liked the uneven edges. It reminded me of how much I had lost then.

Keefe turned over with a snuffle, and I lunged to catch him, but it was too late. He rolled off my couch, waking with an "Oomf."

I almost laughed. He looked ridiculous.

He looked around, confused, before his eyes landed on my and realization struck.

"Um," He started, lurching upright and running a hand through his hair nervously. "I'm sorry I just—well, I wanted to---I got here, and—" He abruptly shut his mouth, turned a deep shade of pink.

"It's okay." I tried to finger-comb my hair to lay flat, realizing I was wearing only leggings and a tank-top. The deep pale scars from the second kidnapping were numerous and obvious, and I picked up his old sweater from where it lay folded on the nearby chair, tugging it over my head to hide the white marks. I hadn't quite mastered Biana's confidence. "Do you want some breakfast?"

He nodded and followed me into the kitchen. I had baked some blitzenberry muffins yesterday, and I pulled down the platter of baked goods.

I took one, leaning against the counter and picking at it. It was unbearably awkward.

"You left."

His voice was quiet and full of an emotion I couldn't quite place.

"You didn't want to come."

"No." He shot upright, knocking the chair he was in backwards. "I do. I want to..."

He raked a hand through his hair again and looked away. "Sophie, I would do anything if it means I get to see you again. If I knew you were alive, I never would've stayed away."

I swallowed hard, staring at the muffin in my palm. "I have a meeting with the rest of the Council today. You can move in to one of the spare room, if you'd like." I waved a hand towards the hall.

Keefe nodded, seemingly relieved and sad.

I set my muffin on the counter. "I need to dress. The Leapmaster is down the hall, New York is programmed in."

"Really?" He seemed surprised by that. I remembered that he didn't know about the human outreach program's restart.

I nodded. "I helped restart the Human Assistance program. I've been living in the Forbidden Cities for around six years."

Keefe's eyes widened. "Oh." He looked down, picking at his muffin. "I'll get my stuff today."

"Sounds good. Pick any of the rooms." I headed for the stairs.

He Left Me - KotLC fic (after Unlocked)Where stories live. Discover now