Chapter 29

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Lil beans we're so closeeee. Keefe's POV. 

Three Hundred Fifty-Three Years Later

I strolled through Times Square. It felt so good to be back in New York. It had become my favorite city over the years, and despite the many changes in the human world, the bustling energy and modern air never changed.

I popped into the art gallery Tracie set me up with when I first ran away. A new young girl ran the counter, and I wandered around, looking at the art for a few minutes before thanking her and stepping back into the cold.

It was fall, my favorite time in New England. The tall maple trees lining the streets and scattered in Central Park turned a gorgeous array of colors, and the quiet comfort of the coming winter always made me feel a little less lonely. That being said, I didn't fare well in the cold. I was bundled up in two sweaters, a knit hat, and a scarf.

I headed towards Central Park, buying a hot apple cider from a cart. I wrapped my hands around the steaming drink, hoping to thaw my half-frozen fingers.

I spotted the entryway to my favorite spot, and I sped up slightly, anticipation building.

Suddenly an onset of horribly strong emotion washed over me, and I stumbled, trying not to spill my drink on myself.

I hadn't felt that kind of free-floating feelings since....

I pushed the thought out of my head. Sophie was dead. I had held her corpse in my arms.

Nevertheless, I looked around. One young lady in an odd grey sweater and black leggings walked past. The sweater struck a chord in my heart, but I didn't know why. Her hair was tucked into a beanie, and she held an ice cream cone in one hand.

How? In this weather?

I shivered as a cool breeze wafted through the air, smelling like spices and something distinctly fall. I continued on my path to my favorite place, sitting on the driest piece of grass I could find. I pulled a sketchpad out of my messenger bag and set about drawing the colorful fallen foliage, the fluffy clouds in the overcast sky, the different figures bundled up against the cold.

A scuffle drew my attention, and I looked over to the street. The girl with ice cream had fallen, and a man was profusely apologizing. She assured him it was fine, that she was unfortunately clumsy. She dropped the remnants of her ice cream in a nearby trashcan.

The man smiled at her, obviously flirting. A group of people walked past me, engaged in loud conversation, so I couldn't hear his exact words, but I had seen enough of it to know. The girl smiled back but said she didn't date. The man seemed disappointed but wished her a good day and continued on his way.

The girl stood in the middle of the sidewalk for a moment before heading for a local small bookstore. As she walked in, she pulled off her beanie, and dark blonde hair tumbled around her shoulders.

Before I could think better of it, I was stuffing my sketch pad into my bag and standing. Hurrying out of the park, I crossed the street and hovered outside the antique bookstore, looking for just a glimpse of her to quell the raging hope.

I didn't see her through the window, and I found myself entering the store. I wandered anxiously through the narrow aisles. There was no chance that it was her. But still my heart wouldn't let it go.

I spotted her at the other end of the store, walking down a new aisle. I took a step closer, and the barrage of emotions rolled across me. Pleasure, contentment, and deep-set sadness washed over me like ocean waves, beating me against the shore.

It was impossible.

And yet, I strode a few steps closer. She was wearing my old sweater, I realized. I forgot how long Elvin material lasts. It was worn even softer than when I had it, and it dwarfed her still-small frame.

Her hair had been cut choppy, like she sawed it off with a steak knife. She still had those dark shadows under her beautiful eyes.

There was something different about her. She held herself differently, a more regal air about her.

She seemed happy enough, so why the painful sadness?

I stepped forward again. Disbelief filled me, even as I felt something in my heart settle, like it finally found the right place. Something in it cracked, and the tears began welling as I realized how wrong I was. How much time I wasted.


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