Chapter 26

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Seventeen Years After The End of the War

I gently wove the intricate headpiece into Biana's hair, braiding a small area over one of the edges the same way I had when we were fifteen and getting ready for the dance. "Relax," I laughed. "Everything is going to be perfect." I smacked her shoulder as she moved again.

Biana tried to stop bouncing and shifting in her seat. "I'm sorry, I'm just so nervous. What if he doesn't like it? Or changes his mind?" She waved her hands around and then smoothed her dress.

"He's liked you since we were fourteen, and didn't he come to the dress fitting?" Elves didn't have the same tradition of not seeing the bride before the wedding.

"Yes, but..." Biana waved her hand in a dismissive gesture. Biana had aged as beautifully as her brother; her dark hair was full and wavy, her face maturing until she rivaled Della's beauty. Most of her scars from the fight with Vespera had faded, but she still wore the remaining ones proudly.

"Dex is not going to change his mind. He'll think you're beautiful, the way he always has." I finished her hair, tucking one last tiny crystal flower into the curls, pinning it carefully. 

She smiled at me in the mirror, and I hugged her from behind, careful not to mess up her hair or makeup. "Thanks, Sophie."

"Of course." I brushed one of the looser curls out of her face. "You are breathtaking, Bi."

She stuck out her tongue, and I laughed. Linh poked her head in, shrieking when she saw Bi. "You look gorgeous! Nice job on the hair, Soph."

"I know, I'm so beautiful." I tossed my head dramatically, and they both laughed.

Keefe was right, humor was a good shield.

We made our way downstairs where the rest of the bridal party was waiting. Dex shoved Fitz, laughing when the older boy hurried to fix his suit. The triplets, much more mature and calmer now, laughed at something Tam said.

The triplets noticed us first, and Bex hurried over to us. "Biana, you are stunning! Why would you choose him?" She hooked a thumb over her shoulder at her star-struck brother, and Biana laughed and rolled her eyes, hugging her soon-to-be sister-in-law.

Dex had frozen, his mouth dropping open. Fitz shoved him. "That's my sister, dude," he teased. 

Dex shoved him back half-heartedly without taking his eyes off his fiancé.

"Is there going to be a cake smash?" I asked to divert attention.

"A WHAT?" All three of the triplets shouted.

"A cake smash. You know, where the bride and groom shove cake in the other's face."

Dex rolled his eyes as all of the triplets began insisting they do it. "Thanks, Soph."

"I think it's a good idea," Tam offered with a smirk. We all laughed.

A bell rang, the signal for the men to get in place. Dex left with a quick kiss to Biana. She blushed, some of her nerves relieved.

"Lookin' good, Sophie!" Rex called over his shoulder as he followed his brother out.

"You too, Rex!" I called back. Biana laughed at me.

"I'm still so nervous," she confessed.

"It's going to be great, I promise." I hugged her lightly. The music began to play, and Bex walked out first. Linh went next, and I waited a few beats before following her, holding my own bouquet of lavender flowers.

I focused desperately on not tripping and made it down the aisle without an accident. I took my place as the Maid of Honor, across from Fitz. He shot me a tiny wink and a thumbs-up.

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