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Pretty much just headcanons I have about Sokeefe that I didn't know how to format, but here goes. 

They definitely cuddle under Calla all the time. Sophie falls asleep sometimes and Keefe smiles at her cute expressions and then eventually falls asleep with her.

Most of the time if they're just hanging out they keep their minds connected. They find it's comfortable to be able to communicate without trying too hard. They always fall asleep with their minds open.

Often they have long conversations before sleeping because they love talking to each other.

Keefe talks in his sleep and Sophie thinks it's adorable.

Sophie is pretty awful in the kitchen, but Keefe picks up cooking super fast because he cooked for himself a lot as a kid.

Sophie will help as much as she can, but a lot of the time Keefe just tells her to keep him company.

She sits on the kitchen island and watches him work.

He hums sometimes while he's working.

Sophie will sing sometimes when she's thinking, or they'll put on human music through her iPod.

Keefe will lift her off the counter and spin her around, insisting she dance with him.

They dance until they can't breathe of laughter.

They 100% have a banister in their house that they slide down.

Sometimes they'll push the furniture to the sides of the room so they can skate around in their socks.

Sophie falls all the time, obviously, and Keefe falls only of laughter

Keefe is a physically affectionate person and loves giving Sophie hugs from behind or slinging an arm over her shoulders when they're with friends.

He also kisses her forehead and the top of her head and she secretly loves it

Keefe is definitely pansexual and points out loudly the people he finds attractive, but Sophie is grey-asexual so just laughs it off.

He's terribly insecure that she'll find someone better

Whenever he has those thoughts, she curls up against his chest with her arms around him until he feels better.

She's terrified that she's not good enough, so he makes sure to give her praise whenever she does something he knows she was struggling with, even if it's something small.

Whenever she has bad thoughts, he makes her her favorite tea and they curl up together with a movie or a book.

Sophie laughs when she watches him do his extensive hair care routine, but eventually she lets him try some of the products on her.

He washes her hair once and she loves the feel of his fingers against her head. She nearly fell asleep.

Her hair ended up soft and shiny and beautiful, and Keefe did not hold back the I-told-you-so's.

He loves her running her fingers through his hair but hates how it wrecks his styling, but many nights he falls asleep to her playing with his hair.

He's crazy good at styling even long hair, so before any important event, he's the one putting her hair up.

He also braids it into a tomorrow braid on the nights of bad days.

Although he can feel her emotions through the air, he likes touching her just to make sure.

She loves the quiet reassurances of his hand on her shoulder or wrist.

Whenever they argue, they usually try to hug and cool off. They open their minds and she enhances him so they can tell how the other person is feeling and then they talk through it.

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