Chapter 3

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I shrieked, stumbling backwards from the entryway. Sandor rushed forward, shoving me and Edaline behind him. He raised his weapon, but after a moment, he lowered it, sheathing the sword.

I peeked around the giant goblin mass, and found Grady, Councilor Oralie, and Councilor Bronte standing at the door. I sighed in relief and ran to throw my arms around Grady.

"You're back!" My voice was muffled, my face pressed into his shoulder.

Grady hugged me back, kissing the top of my head. "I'm glad you're so happy to see us," he teased.

I pulled away, wrinkling my nose. "Don't scare me like that. Why are you wearing those anyway?"

"Grady was on a special, confidential assignment that required our intervention." Bronte's sharp voice cut in.

Grady's face darkened. "I didn't need any intervention."

"I don't think you—"

"Bronte." Oralie interrupted sternly. "Now is not the time."

Bronte huffed in disagreement but didn't argue with the sweet blonde.

I shifted uncomfortably. Underneath the cloaks, both the Councilors were dressed finely. I was in a loose gray tunic and leggings. Edaline always looked perfect, but I didn't have that advantage.

What was Grady working on where he needed to wear a cloak just like the Neverseen? Why were the Councilors wearing them too? Why did Bronte think Grady needed help?

The unanswered questions turned around in my mind, creating more and more curiosity.

"Ms. Foster, are you listening?" Bronte asked.

I nodded, switching my attention to the Councilors.

"Tomorrow you are to come to my castle in Eternalia. There is something we need to plan." Oralie shared a dark look with Bronte.

I bit my lip, hoping it wasn't what I thought they were going to say.

"We'll..." Oralie paused. "We'll let your parents tell you."

Bronte and Oralie both smiled sadly at me, and dread coiled in my stomach. If Bronte was smiling, there was definitely something wrong. They leaped away.

Grady shed his black cloak and the blue cape underneath before following Edaline into the kitchen. I trailed after them.

Edaline pulled out the tray of popsicles, and my spirits rose slightly despite my growing unease. Each of us took one. I licked at the frozen orange-y goodness, swallowing the nostalgic taste.

Grady smoothed Edaline's wet hair and took her hand in his. They both turned to look at me.

I shifted my weight and licked at my popsicle. "What do you have to explain to me?"

"Sophie... I don't know how to explain this to you." Edaline bit her lip. "Keefe has been gone for a long time, and if you can't even find his mind..."

I dropped the popsicle and watched it shatter on the floor.

Edaline stared at the sticky mess. "The Council has to assume..." Her whisper trailed off.

"No," I mumbled. "He's not gone. He can't be." I backed away from the pain and pity in their gazes.


"No!" I turned and bolted up the stairs. I heard Grady murmur something to Sandor as the goblin followed me.

Sandor insisted on checking my room before I entered, so I stood at the top of the stairs, not fighting the tears as they rolled down my cheeks. Sandor finished quickly, putting a hand on my shoulder as he took his place outside my door.

I rushed in, curling up on the floor near my bed. I stared at the wall, unable to stop my eyes from blurring over.

An idea struck me, and I crawled over to my desk. Searching frantically, I rummaged through each of the drawers before finding the brown package.

I stood and stumbled over to my bed, curling up and pulling out my Spyball.

"Show me Keefe Sencen," I whispered.

The Spyball flashed brightly before displaying two words.

Not Found.

I bit back a sob and tossed the Spyball towards my pillow, covering my eyes with my arm. I curled tighter as I cried.

Keefe, I transmitted when I could think again. These nightly one-sided conversations were the only way I could stay sane. Updates to keep him in the loop if he decided to answer. And a way for me to share my days with him, even if its just through my mind.

Please answer me. They think you're dead, and they want me to plan your funeral.

Planting. Not funeral. I corrected myself.

I'm not ready, Keefe. I can't... make it final. I can't lose hope.

I saw our statue today. You're looking at me, with such... awe. I don't know why. Linh did all the work.

Fitz and I agreed to be friends. He said he was mostly jealous of how you cared about me, and that's why he thought he....

Well. Anyway.

I found an orange tree today. Have you tried an orange? They're some of my favorites. I picked a ton and then Edaline and I peeled and juiced them. The first couple exploded on us.

I pictured us, coated in orange goo and standing shocked in front of the juicer, and transmitted that image, along with Sandor and all the gnomes laughing at us.

The goo took me hours to get out of my hair, and I remembered how long I spent in the shower, scrubbing at the stickiness. I quickly pushed away that image, hoping I didn't transmit it.

We made popsicles, these frozen human treats. Grady got home today, too, and he and Oralie and Bronte showed up in black cloaks. Nearly gave me a heart attack.

They want me to meet them in Eternalia tomorrow. To plan...

My thoughts trailed off again.

Keefe, If you can hear me, please come back. For me. I can't... I can't live without you.

This is kinda a short one, sorry about that!

And sorry for there not being much excitement yet... I'm getting there, I promise!

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