Chapter 13

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This is a quick one from Grady's perspective, enjoy beans!

I ran my hands through my hair, pacing the kitchen. Edaline was out helping feed the animals, and Sophie had just gone upstairs. I listened to the sound of the shower start before pulling out my imparter, hidden in one of the top cabinets that was hardly ever used. 

"Show me Keefe Sencen."

The screen turned blank for a few moments before his face popped up, brow creased with worry. "Grady? Is Sophie okay?"

"No, she's not. She's going crazy, Keefe. She spat blood on your mom and promised she'd kill her. Her arm is broken with three of her fingers, and Elwin called me because he's worried too." I paused, trying to breathe. Keefe was silent, the worried expression still hovering on his face. "Sophie's being reckless. She's letting herself get hurt, and she's ready to die for this war because she thinks it's the only way she'll see you again."

Keefe's eyes widened and filled with tears. I raked a hand through my hair again.

"Can you back up a bit? How did Sophie get hurt? What happened with my mom?" Keefe was barely audible for the last question.

"Gisela and Vespera attacked them today. Attacked Sophie. Gisela wanted to know where you were and didn't react well to Sophie telling her you were dead. Sophie... She let Gisela hit her. Split her face, cut her cheek on her teeth. And then..." I almost laughed. "Sophie winked and spit blood on her cloak. And Gisela asked where you were and Soph told her the Wanderling Woods and called her a bitch and then she stood there and let them break her bones and didn't even scream. She laughed and said she would kill them for killing you."

Keefe looked shocked, eyes wide. He clearly hadn't considered Sophie capable of that.

Neither had I, honestly.

"Sophie's a different person now, Keefe. She's... emotionless. Cold. Quiet. She doesn't care if she gets hurt."

"I had to leave to keep her safe," Keefe whispered.

I nodded. "I know. But she needs you. She will need you. She's scaring all of us." My voice cracked towards the end. "She's not safe without you, either."

Keefe ran a hand down his face. "What do I do?"

"Come back."

"I can't. I can't risk being a weapon for my mom. I can't risk hurting her." His eyes were desperate, begging me to understand.

I nodded slowly. "Okay. But be prepared for the possibility that she's not here anymore when you come back." My own heart broke a little at the thought, but if how she acted today is any indication, staying alive and safe wasn't a priority for her anymore.

I caught a brief moment of despair and heartbreak on his face before he tried to hide it. "I'm trying to keep her safe from me."

"I know. I know, Keefe. And..." I sighed. "When this is all over, I won't complain about you being around. We all miss you."

I hung up, leaning against the counter and dropping my head in my hands. The door opened and Eda came in with messy hair and dinosaur fluff on her tunic. "Grady?"

"Eda," I sighed and looked up. "We need to talk. About Sophie."

He Left Me - KotLC fic (after Unlocked)Where stories live. Discover now