Chapter 28

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Three Hundred Forty-Seven Years After the End of the War

Finally, the human outreach program had been restarted, with new precautions to prevent violence. I had fought for it for a long time, knowing how amazed Amy was at the magical world we lived in. If we could help them even in subtle ways, it was worth it. Not to mention how many beauties of the world elves were missing. 

I had volunteered to be in the first dozen or so elves to live in the Forbidden Cities. The rest of the Council agreed, thinking it would be good to have the Moonlark set an example. The Council could manage with only eleven for a while. Things had been quiet for centuries, minor misdemeanors the only issues. 

I chose to go to Paris, knowing I used to wish I could visit the Louvre Museum. A technopath helped me change some lusters into human cash, and I quickly settled into a studio apartment. So much had changed since I was living in the human cities, but I still fell into a wonderful rhythm.

I loved Paris, with the narrow streets and bakeries and the Eiffel Tower. It was so easy to blend in on the busy streets and in small cafes, and I could almost pretend I was happy. I was slowly influencing people, helping artists find their way, or helping writers whenever they found themselves confronted with writers' block. Humans had made incredible advances with technology since I lived there, and almost had several more World Wars, but now it was a peaceful time of invention.

I had missed human clothes; I loved wearing simple t-shirts and sweaters and jeans or slacks. I never had to dress up.

I still slept with my favorite sweater, a soft grey piece about three sizes too big. Ella had stayed with me, and now she was particularly ragged, but I had her patched up several time by professional seamstresses, and she held on.

Today, a sunny Monday afternoon, I wandered through the Louvre. My favorite section was the sketches and pencil art, and I heard they just got in a new display from America.

I strode through the halls, having most of the art memorized. At the sight of the new piece, I froze.

A girl with big, dark eyes and light hair sat under a flowing tree similar to a willow tree. It seemed horribly familiar, but I didn't realize why until I stepped closer.

Sophie and Calla, read the tag on the side of the painting. 2015, Keefe Sencen, originally displayed in a small New York City gallery.

2015. 347 years ago. Keefe drew me under Calla's tree, and now he was a famous artist on display at the Louvre.

All the greats become famous after they die.

I barely made it back to my apartment before crumpling to the ground. I didn't move for hours. 

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