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( A / N : Hehe, Pokemon Ships are amazing. )


May's Point Of View


Broken. That's how I felt. I can't even go one day without made fun of. Things like how my pigtails are messy, how short of a high-schooler I am, or how I drop my things every now and then. But especially about my heart disease. Yeah, you heard me correctly, a stupid, no-for-good heart disease. Explaining this, I guess you're feeling sorry for me? If you are, don't be, it's nothing to bicker about. It's my fault actually for being born this way. I've already got my whole family to worry about, adding you into the whole situation would make me lose my sanity for good.

It all happened that one day when Ash and Brock decided to take a run around the national park near the neighborhood. Of course, I was excited as ever since I haven't actually ran in forever. It ─ kinda started like this ─


"May! May!" The sound of an excited Ash hollered from down the street. His coal locks flew as he sprinted after me, wind blowing at his cheeks and nipping at his unblinking eyes. Following had been an exhausted Brock, chest heaving. Ash stopped at where he had been in front of me, smiling brightly before helping Brock breathe smoothly. "Brock and I are finally working out! How about it? You wanna come to?" He questioned, hand extended as he kept his legs moving.

I don't know, I was pretty bored and stuff, it wouldn't hurt....

Nodding eagerly, I took the chance and followed Brock and Ash through the neighborhood. At first, things were great! The loose breeze blew through the clear skies, the beautiful smell of roses and tulips blooming from just about every direction, and finally being able to see the different houses. Many had vines climbing up the side of the walls, some even had birds nesting among their trees. What a nice day it was.

It wasn't long though before I began to feel a squeezing sensation in my chest. The feeling was as if my heart were throbbing in pain. Throbbing, not beating. It was so intense, my lungs refused to let the oxygen flow through them. I tried my hardest, my very best to let the air run in, so I could breathe and mark this down as myself overreacting. Sadly, it just wasn't that simple. "A─sh. Bro─ck." I gasped, hands pressed against my chest.

They hadn't reacted fast enough, for I fell to my knees and gave a scorching cry of agony before completely collapsing to the sidewalk, darkness filling into my sight.


But I'm alright now, I'm sure of it. I've have many years of assistance, and each time I swear I've been getting much better toward my situation. The breathing has gotten much easier, I barely even use my inhaler, but of course I still have it for emergency reasons! I can finally speed walk like the regular students, which is pretty handy if I want to get to class in time.

Oops, I'm sorry.

I forgot to introduce myself, my name is May Maple. I'm seventeen and am starting my second year in high-school. I guess you could say I'm sort-of skinny to the bone, some people dislike it for some reason─ maybe because I look anorexic and it scares others. My hair is styled in pigtails, sometimes I'll have it down, but mostly they're high in the air and on both sides of my head. I have blue eyes, and I mean blue, blue, like as in that deep aquamarine blue. But where I dwell is not somewhere that I would call home. We aren't rich to begin with, living in a two room apartment that we can barely pay, nor keep up with. Sad to say, I am also the most bullied at my school.

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