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May's Point Of View


Relieved. I was relieved. My heart made a correct attempt to stop how hard and rapid it was beating, and it was all thanks to Brendan. Sure, I was still stuck in between a stranger's arms, but I knew either way─ Brendan would save me. I took a moment to stop and think; for something felt wrong. I, May Maple, the imperfect one, the defective one, and the most independent one─ finally relying on someone else rather than myself to get rescued? Surely, I was mistaken of myself. I would never let someone risk themselves for something that was clearly at my own fault.

But at the same time, I felt the urge to let Brendan come and save me. A feeling inside told me to trust him, and trusting was something uneasy for me. To simply trust him was a much more difficult task than said. All my life, to be exact─ seventeen years─ I've had no one else to rely on besides myself, and surprisingly maybe Mom and Dad at some times. But even then, I didn't trust them fully during everyday life. I did things myself; I made lunch each day, cleansed myself, made sure about my health, and rarely I would even let them lay a fingerprint on me.

Yet, over the passed years, they knew where their boundaries were.

Away from me as much as possible.

I was suddenly snapped back into reality as an agonizing pain sparked from my throat. I gasped for air, the once calm and collected feeling of security vanishing. My breathing became heavy once more, heartbeat pace becoming more fast and painful. Anymore of this, and my heart would give out. The fear and anxiety came back to greet me, alarm in my eyes as I stated straight ahead at the Brendan who did nothing, but stare. He did nothing. Said nothing. I was beginning to feel as if relying on him was something I was regretting. I felt a burning hatred ignite inside of me. Brendan's words from a week ago echoed through my head, the one sentence that gave me reassurance. "I'm sure if you stay with me, you'll be just fine...." Those words─

They meant nothing.

"Well your little friend doesn't seem like he'll be helping you very much." The man's voice chuckled, tone deep as if what he was doing was amusing.

I growled under the sharp metal the knife had, each moment becoming extremely painful, soon I would be feel the blood drown beneath my feet. But as I stated further into the eyes of Brendan's, they resembled something I thought I'd never see from him. Most likely, males didn't seem to feel this emotion easily─ it took time, or took something with such impact it shook their world violently. Even then, they had the strength to overcome it for the time being. But this, this was different for Brendan. He was standing frozen at his place, arms trembling as he held his fists in place. Further into this feeling, I stared into his amber gaze, pupils small as if they were slits.

Fear. Brendan was definitely feeling fear. Of course, we all did. Maybe even the man who held me by the throat. A moment like this─ who wouldn't? What surprised me was that Brendan didn't even make an attempt, nor said a word once he had arrived here. This concerned me more than it was meant to, but nothing could stop the fire that flamed inside of me. Someone, that being me, was either going to be strangled or just sliced to death. And he did nothing but stare at the scene. He said I'd be fine with him? Words meant nothing, it was actions that really spoke at toward I, or anyone at the matter.

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