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May's Point Of View


Troubled. I felt troubled. It has been a rough twelve hours since my surprise date with Brendan, and I couldn't have felt any more terrible than I am now. How could one perfect, beautiful date go so horribly wrong? Being the unprofessional person I was, it wasn't like it wasn't possible. I was a disaster just waiting to happen, I knew it, too.

For all I know, Brendan had already rejected me inside his own thoughts, and he probably didn't want to hurt my little, fragile feelings. Maybe I was going fast on him, maybe just a little bit─ or maybe a lot. A rush of unnecessary fear welled up inside, a shoot of pain reaching my chest as I breathed in and out uneasy. Head resting against the soft pillow, feathers sticking out and poking my bare skin, I stared up at the ceiling. This wasn't a good sign for me or anyone, and it was always a hint that I was probably overthinking. Or it was because there was nothing better to do during the weekend; the perfect time for boredom to strike.

I huffed out a sloppy breath, eyelids slowly shutting toward the sudden light that sprayed trough the glass windows. I tossed and turned upon the newly made set up sheets, nose pressing into the linen with a deep sniff. A whiff of pink blossoms filled my nostrils, a tang of plum mixing in among the scents. I hummed in satisfaction, opening my eyes and frowning. How boring it was today, nothing more than laying down and snoozing while the day went on. But then again, there wasn't much going on in my life, so I shouldn't be complaining. Groaning, I kicked the blanket off of my heated frame, muttering a, "It's hotter than Hell."

Thoughts wandered my mind, things of what Brendan could be doing at a time like this while she was here, doing nothing. Could he be somewhere else more exciting? Maybe he was hanging out with Drew? If so, why hasn't he tried to invite me? I sighed, choosing to massage my temples as a strike of pain hit. Like always, I thought, thinking way too hard than needed.

A nip of curiosity wriggled inside my stomach, a hum leaving my lips as I wondered if to call Brendan, or leave him be. No one liked a clingy girlfriend, nor does anyone like a girl who doesn't even bother. I screeched, hands entangling into my tresses as I crazily messed with them, legs flailing wildly in the air as I tried so desperately to decide. Nonetheless, it all came to a conclusion when I glanced at a vase beside my bed. It was made a pure glass, a nice design engraved into the clear, fragile vessel. Inside the vase were the familiar flowers that Brendan had given to me the night before.

Not that I wanted to ruin the beautiful petals that were attached to the stems, but it was that I came to a conclusion rather than sit and groan. Taking a single flower, a delicate rose that was blood-shot red, I took in a careful sniff. Happy with how it smelled, I held onto a petal and plucked it off.

"Call him."


"Don't call him."

Pluck, pluck, pluck─ at least seven of the petals were taken from the rose as I counted, each one quickly creating a final decision. As the last one was detached from the stem, I stifled a nervous smile. "Call him."

Retrieving my phone from upon the bed, I dialed in Brendan's number slowly. The numbers rang as I pressed against the screen, hands slightly trembling as I finished and held the phone close to my ear, a huff of anxiousness releasing along with my breath. It dialed a few times, a sense of wonder and concern filling my stomach as it dialed for the sixth time. But as the time passed by ever so slowly, it stopped the constant ringing and I met with a tired, "Hello?"

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