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May's Point Of View


Puzzled. I was puzzled. The school nurse's words echoed in my head ever so loudly. What had she meant by : "He's something." I know he is, and I honestly don't care. I know him as the popular guy in school, but still─ I didn't know his name. I never really got to, he just comes and goes as he pleases around the school. He's even surrounded by every girl, arms all around his shoulders and waist. Some even try and stick their breasts onto his chest and arm as if to seduce him. I found it desperate and totally overly dramatic. Did they have to be so close to him that there was a crowding in the hallways? Seriously, I can never get passed the crowds to my next classes.

The nurse dismissed me, waving a genuine goodbye as I passed by. This was a daily routine. It's been the best moments here with the nurse, though she did repeat the same quotes each time I left the room─ but I didn't mind as much anymore─ she was only helping after all. But as I said, it was the same thing everyday. No matter rainy, stormy or sunny, boiling-heat day.

Go to class, bullied?⠀⠀Check.

Go to Nurse, quote?⠀⠀Check.

Leave Nurse, repeat?⠀⠀Check.

Heh. Yeah, you see it now? It is pretty sad if you truly think hard into this situation. But I don't mind, I always knew the world was a cruel place, but it never stopped me before. I left earlier than I usually do, which I'm just so very disappointed for. If only the students here in Oak High weren't so obnoxious, rude, disgusting, and just damn-out, snotty girls─ this would've been a place I'd love to spend my days in.

But even I know that's just absolutely impossible. I didn't even have to use effort to conclude that I knew love and friendship would never meet my way. I was hopeless here. I hadn't realized it, but my hands were gripping tightly into my shorts, the knuckles forming a pale white. I sighed, knowing that I should relax rather than over stress. You'd think I'd be used to it by then, but you're wrong. Really, you are. Have you ever met someone who has really overcome all the humiliation, embarrassment, fear, amusement toward your every move?

Who was I talking to anyway, I thought angrily, my own mind forming my own cheeks to burn a scarlet.

I stomped my way toward the classroom, trying my best to avoid the overly-revolting tattoo arts on the wall and broken-down, cracked building pieces that laid shattered on the ground. They've been there forever, not even the janitors bothered to clean that sickening sight away. It was awful here, the conditions of about everything was either poorly constructed or just flat-out disgusting and wrong. The lockers were filled with rust and maybe even a small cockroach as a gift every now and then. It's gross.

I eventually reached my classroom, the nervousness and embarrassment soon building inside me. I could feel my breathing get heavy, heart pace racing. My hand was reaching for the doorknob, fingertips brushing against the tip. It sent a chill down my spine, a tickling feeling itching in my skin and through the insides. Outside this classroom, I could keep my sanity and save all the tears that I knew─ in the near future─ I'd shed. I wondered these things all the time, and they always ended terribly. So why bother? It ends all the same no matter what path I choose.

Slowly, ever so carefully, I twisted the doorknob and held my breath. Times like these were the worst, randomly walking in on a class that was working on whatever they were. I trailed inside, exhaling all of the breath I had been keeping. I shuttered as I gulped, eyes meeting up with the teacher's glaring and unapproved gaze. No, he did not at all seem happy, in fact he looked more angry than he has been in a long time. The sea of eyes were all on me in which creates my cheeks to burn, eyes widening just a bit. How embarrassing.

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