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May's Point Of View


Safe. I felt safe. Over the past few days, I've found myself having two body guards during school. How did I know for sure? Brendan and Drew told me, of course. It was just a regular day of me walking to school, the same sun and sky above my head as the heat blared onto my skin. I was still nervous and, yet I knew what would happen each day. It was the same, old routine that I was sick of, but couldn't control no matter how loudly I demanded. Step by step, I'd get closer to school─ then the voices of a certain two caught my ears. It wasn't long when I chose to crane my eyes to look, the arms wrapping around my chest and pulling me close.

"May!" Brendan exclaimed. "Drew and I are going to protect you everywhere you go, okay?"

"Yeah, we're protecting you." Drew echoed, curling his fingers into a fist and beating it against his chest.

Blinking in confusion, I cocked my head to the side and raised my eyebrows. "W-what do you mean?" I stuttered, lips parted in realization as I began to back away slowly. Brendan rolled his eyes, chuckling slightly. Drew crossed his arms, flipping his hair as he turned to look away. Sighing, he replied with, "Just as it sounds, we're going to protect you from─ er, who was it?─ oh, Courtney and her friends." Brendan nodded, smiling and gently pushing me forward toward the school grounds. Still overwhelmed, I shook my head and timidly scratched the back of my neck. "Y-you don't need to do that! I'm perfectly fine with the schedule I have!" The schedule I've been using ever since the first day, I thought sadly.

First : Encounter Courtney.

Second : Immediately get a breathing problem, fake or real.

Third : Go to the nurse.

Fourth : Stay there till sixth period or so.

It always worked, after all. My shoes skidded across the concrete grounds, scraping noises echoing as I entered the school. Brendan took on one side of me, Drew on the other as he stuck his hands inside his pockets. As soon as we took step into the locker hallways, many squeals of girls occurred, some even jumping to the appearance of Brendan. I was surprised when Brendan didn't even take his eyes off the path, only staring forward as we passed them.

Usually, Brendan was the one boy that girls found adoring in every way possible. One reason being, he was nice and polite, humorous and good-looking, and I quote─ Perfection. If a girl is to wave or greet Brendan, I've noticed that he would return the favor and wave back with a smile. It sent every girl squealing and racing over to crowd around him. But this time, he didn't. He craned his neck slightly to look at them, but only smiled before glancing back to the front. As impressive as it was, I knew that he wanted to be himself and fully greet them. If anything, I'm sure he's doing this to prove something─ but what?

Even when he hadn't waved directly at them, or smiled fully, it still attracted the girls and soon they were all racing over toward us. Despite me being there, they still crowded around him, some bumping me out of the way. Nervous, I squealed and found myself backing away and into Drew, whom in which stood in front of me to block the excited females. Jealousy churned inside my stomach as more girls surrounded him, a sour expression plastering upon my face as I glanced away. I never felt jealousy before, and to finally know what this was─ I disliked this feeling, all of it.

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