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May's Point Of View


Lucky. I felt lucky. Honestly, how could a girl like me─ one that somehow ended up with a life-threatening disease, said was healing, but actually wasn't─ be lucky? Was it that I once again survived another deathly reaction? Usually, it wasn't anything new or anything amazing, for the matter, but this time, really, I felt like I was going to.... Die.

I don't recall all that's happened, but enough to put it together like a puzzle. It was painful all over my respiratory area, especially my heart that was thumping at average speed. I thanked the heavens that I was back to normal, though I wasn't doing a very good job at the moment. Nothing was ever good when you're laying in a hospital bed, or being in the hospital in overall. With half-lidded eyes, I stared blankly up at the white ceilings, lips parted as to breathe sloppily in and out. Waking up was a pain, especially when I had a small heart attack about if I died or not. But gratefully; thankfully, I didn't.

A soft snoring took place somewhere close to my bedside, head exhaustedly craning to take a look at the person. It came to no surprise that Brendan was sleeping upon my sheets, arms crossed whilst his head laid on top. The white flop of a hat was no longer settled on his head, messy chocolate-brown locks exposed adorably as he slept. Oh, I thought with content, look how cute he is.

No doubt did his appearance surprise me. To think that of all people, those specifically being Mom and Dad, he was the one that decided to sleep over instead of be with his family. A rush of guilt swarmed over me like a colony of bees, each prick from its stinger sending another batch of pain. Oh, how I wished I didn't have this problem. I was already giving a burden over to my Mom and Dad, and now it's been handed over to my boyfriend?


Sighing, I drew a hand into Brendan's silky-smooth locks. Fingers grazed over the tips, sinking deeper in order to massage his scalp in a comforting manner. Suddenly, he shifted. His head turned over to the opposite side he was previously facing, groaning softly before he lifted his head up completely. Eyelids blinked open, his finger curling and using it to wipe away the sleep. Once he was finished, he attempted at swatting away my hand, but instead took it into his grasp. "Petting people's hair is gross, Drew." Brendan muttered out of the blue.

I giggled quietly, Brendan chuckling at the rumbling sound of my throat. "Giggling? What are you, a girl?" He questioned, finally fully lifting his head up to meet eyesight.

Brendan's expression changed greatly. From his eyes to his mouth, they both seemed to have dilated. His hand's grip turned more tight, unwilling to release to anything if it meant I was real. Tears formed at an instant, many falling out of the barrier his gaze held. Brendan tried to conceal them, blinking rapidly to cease the sudden emotional moment─ but failed. "M-May?" His voice called our raspy. "Mayflower?"

I smiled, teeth showing. No, I didn't just show my teeth for Brendan's own comfort, but for mine as well. Little did my lover know that inside, I was gritting them together roughly in order to keep myself from crying. After all, it wasn't the right moment to be crestfallen, but one of content. ( Even though some could be 'crying tears of joy.' )

"Yup, that's me." I answered, giggling softly as he stood up and practically tackled me for an embrace.

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