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May's Point Of View


Regretful. I felt regretful. What I did was unnecessary and wrong. What I did was not what May Maple would do in a situation such as that. What I did was completely uncalled for and I wished that it didn't happen. It all went by so fast, and I didn't know whether to feel proud, or feel shameful. Nowadays, school wasn't how it was before; and what I mean by that is.... Everything seemed different and abnormal.

Returning to school a few days back, I found myself with many students backing away from me. There would always be a large bubble-like circle forming around me, as if people were too disgusted; scared of touching me. Walking through hallways, the crowded flocks of people would dodge their way toward the lockers, banging themselves harsher than needed into it─ and it was all because I walked by. The hallways were always filled with conversations of all combinations, but as for now, laying a single eye on me was as if I turned them mute. All would go quiet as I walked by, each pair of lips silencing as they stared. They all held of fear, and for some reason I had no clue why.

What happened to May Maple, the real May Maple, that is. Did she for some unknown reason vanish? I didn't even know myself, for the things have been happening so very quickly. From one moment, I was the ill girl that everyone thought was a full-out joke. Then the next, I was a beast that everyone fears, and because of what? I haven't done a thing toward the others rather than run away from them, anything else other than that, that wasn't me. But I had to say, honestly, I didn't see a fault to it.

The students made a nice route for me to walk through without bumping into them, at least that was an advantage.

I made my way through the hallways, eyes glaring straight ahead as if I had no interest whatsoever. Mutters and murmurs of gossip and rumors began to erupt from them entirely, my ears straining to at least get a glimpse of what they were saying. Not that it mattered to me what they thought, but just in case there were any specifics on why everyone was so petrified of me. Nowadays, they all huddled in groups, and nowadays they also spread out rumors of all kinds. Everyone, really. So even if I were to take a small amount of words to make up for this situation, it probably wasn't true.

Sadly, I sighed. I finally made my way down the hallways, chucking the door open harshly as to get through the classroom. Ever since this has been starting, I've been going on to class earlier than the others, hopeful to get some time to myself; in silence. But today was a different story. As soon as I walked in, shutting the door behind me, I strolled into a mistake. There, sat Drew, his eyes hopefully glancing up at me as he pushed the seat backwards and stood up. "May, let's talk for a second."

Twitching to his demanding, yet soft voice, I turned my head away, determined to share the same intensity. "I don't have anything to say to you."

Drew waltzed over, stopping as to he was exactly in front of me, arms held tightly across his chest. He held a sharp expression, lips pursed and eyebrows furrowed. It was silent for the longest moment, none of daring to even make a sound as if one of us were to lose doing so. I held a straight face, leaning upon one leg as I sassily popped my hip out. Finally, quietly, Drew took in a soft breath before exhaling loudly. "You've changed, May, and not in the good way. I don't know what you and Brendan have gone through, but it has to end soon." When he earned the careless expression of mine, he seemed to have snapped, frustration playing another part of his emotions. I watched closely as he tightened his fisted fingers, his own teeth gritting as if he was attempting to keep his cool and not lash out. "Do you not understand? If not, let me clarify. Brendan is worthless without you, May. He refuses to leave his room anymore and barely speaks to anyone, anyone except to himself in anger.

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