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( A/N : See ending for notes! )

May's Point Of View


Happiness. I felt pure, solid happiness. It felt perfect inside me even though said perfection didn't necessarily exist in the cruel world like ours. It felt like the inviting warmth from the Sun on a breezy, spring day. It felt like the licks and affection one of a adorable puppy shared. Happiness felt so amazing. It wasn't like I haven't known of the word, let alone felt it. But I guess, you can say it was.... Different. Abnormal.

It's been a whole six months since my operation with my heart, and it stills hurts to think about Drew. But at times, I try my best to forget about it and move on.

No, not forget about Drew. To forget about the sadness and despair that I felt at that moment.

High school was over; Brendan and I going to the same college and living in our own apartment. It wasn't easy paying for the dwelling during the first week or two, but once Brendan and I had gotten a good-paying job and a working schedule, we have grown accustomed to it. In fact, we've been doing so well at paying the rent each month that we receive a box of cookies each time we pay on time.

Currently, Brendan and I were finished with classes since we took morning instead of afternoon, so we were settled in the living area─ cuddling on the couch. It originally wasn't going to be what we were doing right now, in fact, it was suppose to be the opposite. We had a lot of chores to do around the apartment, those including dusting, washing dishes, vacuuming, and finally, cooking dinner. I, at least, wanted to get most of that done so that later we wouldn't have much. But Brendan, being the lazy and stubborn boy he was, didn't allow me said chores.

It all started with the tricky words of, "May, come here." And with those very demanding words came a curios inquire. "Why?" I hissed, unable to reach the space that was too high for me to reach. Dusting tall areas was a way to pull at my strings and push at my buttons, and the fact that Brendan wasn't helping made it all the worse.

"Psst, May, come here!"

"Brendan─ No!─ Can't you see that I cannot reach this? Help me!" I yelled, whipping my head to glare at the childish man whom was making me scramble with my words.

"May! You can do that in a second. So come here!" Brendan called once more. Once he found that I wasn't taking his sly words into consideration, he frowned, a groan rumbling inside his throat. "Now." He growled. I jumped slightly at his commanding tone and rough words, so I gulped quietly, dropping the duster onto the kitchen table before making my way over to him. Brendan motioned me to extend my hand out, in which I did, and it came to no surprise when I was tugged forward, crashing onto the couch on top of him.

Rapidly, he locked me into an embrace with his strong arms, them diagonally pressing against my chest in which to keep me from escaping. Brendan took his time at tangling his legs with mine, digging his nose into my cheek that left a tickling sensation. I relaxed into the body warmth, laughing softly as he left chaste kisses onto my jawline. I attempted to complain that we were wasting time, but he simply ignored and hugged me tighter. "We can do everything later.... There's no need to rush, May." He muttered into my shirt.

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