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May's Point Of View


Exhausted. I was exhausted. After all that has happened over the two-day period, I couldn't wait to just let my eyes close and finally receive some rest. Hands grasped the knob, twisting it, and opened the door without anything in my way. I made my way inside, eyes greeting with Mom and Dad in the living room, their heads down as if they were worried. At first, the thought of why they were so down filled my mind, but it suddenly came together. After all, who wouldn't feel worried when your daughter hasn't returned? I slowly shut the door behind me, gulping as their heads shot up.

Tear-filled eyes met with mine, mouths open in shock. The pain suddenly vanished all together from their face, the expression of relief and passion replacing the holes of their worries. Mom sprung from where she was settled on the couch, eyes dark and puffy from tears; hair messy and matted as if she didn't take the time to care for herself. Arms wrapped around my neck as I was brought into a warm embrace, wetness trickling down from my shoulder and down. Tears stained my clothing, the once light-colored shirt now darker once the liquid hit the fabric. Mom's sons were so deep and loud, I could feel the beginning of guilt swirl inside my stomach.

"Where were you yesterday? I was worried sick when you didn't come back! Was it Brendan? What did he do to you, May!" Mom shouted, hands trailing down to grasp at my shoulders. It didn't create pain, though I could feel the sharpness of her nails pierce through the clothing of my top; and believe or not, it was frightening. Mom always kept that calm and collected vibe that made everything feel right. To see this side of her, my body felt the intention to just tremble beneath my skin.

"M-Mom! Calm d-down!" I stuttered desperately, eyes widening. The pupils of my gaze turned into slits from how she seemed to have gotten more furious, using the result of shoving me back into the wall to somehow decrease her anger. The impact was hard and thick as my back slammed against the wall, my mouth gapping open and taking the largest amount of oxygen in a gasp. I held the wall as if my life would be affected if I hadn't, only to in conclusion slide down and fall to the flooring.

It seemed as if this was all happening in slow motion. Mom's face seemed more shocked at what she had done, the guilt increasing as she watched me gasp for whatever air my lungs would allow. Dad─ he stood there, glaring daggers at Mom and holding her shoulders tightly. I thanked him mentally, grateful he was sane enough to stay calm. But I, May Maple, was not in the best condition at the moment. Slow motion was even more agonizing than regular timing, and I begged for time to stop completely. Nothing, no, never has my disease taken this much of my lung's energy in breathing─ some could say, the wind was knocked out of me.

And it meant literally this time.

"May! May-Honey!" Mom's voice screamed, hands tangling with Dad's as she fought to get to my side.

But it didn't seem like Dad wanted that, for he held her tighter away from me, gently pushing her toward the living area. Within those few minutes, he made his way over to me, settling a hand upon my heart and one on my back. With a soft and gentle voice, he whispered, "Breathe. If you don't breathe, this disease will win. Life as so much for you to experience, so breathe, Honey."

Terror hit me as I struggled once more to breathe. This was getting old, wasn't it? It was the same thing all over again, and it was getting much more painful as each time passed. My heart raced, beating hard and violent in my chest as I gulped deeply. Breathe, breathe, breathe, I told myself determinedly, breathe, breathe, breathe! Eyes shut tightly, I forced myself to stay calm, something I couldn't do in situations like these. Then surprisingly, I took my first breath. A real breath. One that smoothly ran through my lungs and out, one that I have been trying to inhale and exhale for a long time. I could never have done this when the disease decided to take over, and finally─ it happened.

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