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May's Point Of View


Lifeless. I felt lifeless. Reality flashed right before my eyes so quickly and oh, so painfully that it smacked me right in the face. It acted as if it were a creature of the shadows, frame pelted ink-black top to bottom whilst holding a horrific mask. Fangs shown, claws extended, mouth curved upward into a smirk. It was all too petrifying to handle. The claws wrung around my neck as if it were a life, sharp talons digging into my skin. It didn't take too much thought to know that it wanted to draw blood, enough to make my life slip away before my very eyes.

It choked; strangled me. I found it hard to breathe and my heart wasn't doing the best either. In fact, it seemed as if it was going to hop out of my chest and scurry away like the coward it was. Or should I say─ the coward that I was.

Immediately, I suddenly found myself in the sight range of Death. It wasn't at all what I was expecting. Slowly, it was beginning to take my entire being away and I was stuck beneath its hold. I attempted at squirming, thrashing─ but it didn't make a difference. To be in fact, it was making all even more agonizing and eerie. "S-stop~!" I tried to choke out, knowing all too well that it wouldn't follow my demands.

Just as I felt I was about to be strangled to death, lungs pressuring inside my respiratory area that it would explode like a firework, the claws were removed and I flung forward. There was no shadow with long fangs and talons. There was no blood and no figure desiring for a taste of my life. It was just the same-old, same-old hospital room that I was growing sick of. At first, I was questioning if I still owned my sanity, but once I knew that I was feeling more pain than numbness─ that was out of the question.

It was better; pain than numbness.

It made me; my mind; my humane side that I was still alive and apart of this world.

That I wasn't insane. Just scared.

But who knew being scared could feel like this. Inside the room, the too small of a room, were everyone. Mom and Dad were cuddled onto the couch while as Brendan and Drew took their own seats, heads leaning onto the sides. Blankets and pillows were scattered everywhere. Some were kicked onto the dirt-filled, no longer white floors and some were wrapped tightly around one's body. It looked more of a sleepover party than one of a hospital room. I caught my breath, still scarred from the terrifying dream that I had, deciding to lean back into the wall and stare up at the ceiling.

Once I finished regaining my control, mouth dry and desperate for water, I turned my body to face Brendan─ only to find he wasn't in his seat like I thought he would be. It was still early and for him to already be up and going was a surprise. But knowing him, he came back within a few minutes with a glass of water in his hand, a bag of chips in another. Brendan's eyes met with mine, lips curling into a cheesy smile. "Mayflower, you're awake," He purred with content.

I nodded, taking the glass of water once handed out toward me. Hungrily, I downed the cup within a few seconds, finally quenched from my thirst. Brendan shoved his arm down the chip bag ( air bag as we call it since, really, it's more air than chip ) before stuffing the crumbs into his cheeks. Curious of where he went, I leaned into him in hopes of creating conversation. "So, where'd you go so early? Usually you eat when everyone else is awake, but not today?" I urged, pointing to the bag of chips. "Plus, that isn't breakfast food, Brendan!" I scolded.

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