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May's Point Of View


Loved. I felt loved. The words weren't set up as a speech, but they were enough that they held pure meaning. I was left speechless, even all the more flustered as the class stared in awe. Some of the girls squealed in delight at the sight, and many even took their phones out to snap a picture. All in all, the time seemed perfect. I couldn't hold a grudge, and he knew it, too. It wasn't like me to do such a thing when I have my being life cut off sometime soon. A part of me wondered, and still does, on how Brendan can get through my barriers so easily. With less-to-no effort at all, he breaks through and knows how to fix me up like a broken toy. The thought nibbled and feasted me from the inside, and I couldn't help but sigh.

The low ring of my caught breath made Brendan's facial expressions form into a frown, confidence being shoved down harshly. Honestly, I didn't even know how to respond. To be truthful, I just didn't know in general what I should say or feel or do. Should I forgive him like the good person I am, or keep the grudge gripped together with inflamed hatred and everlasting fury?

I didn't know, really.

I seemed to have been wasting class, myself knowing was toward the impatient expression that the teacher was giving, eyebrows furrowed along with the unattractive gritting of his teeth that looked as if they were to shatter in any second. Quick and softly, I managed to stifle a slight smile, self growing quite shy and lively as the minutes passed by. "Of course." This planted a larger, more content flicker upon his face as he brightened, frame rising up to his feet as he began to walk toward me. With the little time we had, he grabbed my hand lightly before giving a gentle, yet firm tug as I fell into his arms into a tight embrace.

With that, body by body, the students of the art class stood up altogether as they exploded with cheerfulness. Many hands clasped together repetitively in a clap, others deciding to whistle their happiness. Even though no one knew what situation we were put through, each and everyone cheering oblivious of it all. But either way, the moment was filled with pure affection from Brendan. Face dug into the crook of his neck, cheeks pressing against the silky, softness cloth of his shirt. I shut my eyes lightly, nostrils inhaling his delightful scent of mint and somewhat, sweat. But it didn't mind me much. As long as he held the familiar, loving scent, everything would be alright.

"Ehem," A voice interrupted quietly.

It didn't take long for Brendan and I to back away, shoving each other off from one's chest. Pairs of eyes shifting off to look at the professor's unpleased, yet heart-warmed expression. He grinned, an interestingly, rare grin that no student had intended to be upon his lips, one that had been held for only three seconds before it was deformed into a frown. "I'd like to get class over with, please?" He murmured somewhat loudly, fingers pinching the bridge of his nose as if annoyed.

Brendan scratched the nape of his neck, chuckling embarrassed as he gave a brief nod. I lifted a hand up to my lips, attempting to conceal the shy smile that was playing, though it was very much failed. The teacher gently took out the item, placing it upon my palm as he whispered into our ears, "I guess─ congratulations."

"Thank you," We both said in unison.

Chuckling, hand-in-hand, Brendan and I returned back to our seats, another pair of students stepping up to the front. He sighed in exhilaration, throat throwing out an unattractive huff of air as he glancing to look at me. "That─ was some hard shit." He muttered, eyes dilated in amusement. I hissed at him, saying that using foul language could bring attention and maybe even a punishment if heard. The amber-eyed boy purred quietly into my ear, ignoring my scolding and choosing to play with my brunette locks. As the silence and full-attention aimed upon the two upstage, Brendan leaned in to whisper a question.

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